~~~Chapter 21~~~

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Hailey. Hey! Sorry I haven't talked in awhile. I've been very busy. Sorry.
Zach. Baby, I've missed you. I haven't seen you in like 2 weeks:(
Abbie. True, even we missed you.
Mark. Everyone!! Go to the Rowland's. We gonna have a pool party!!!!
Brandon. Aye!!

Abbie's pov

"Hey, Hailey. I've missed you" I said

"Ayeeeeeeeee I missed you to." she smiled

She can always lighten up your day. Her smile. She's amazing.

"Ok, leggo" I said

~Pool party~

"Hey Blake" I said

"Hey" he smiled

"Um, how are you?" I asked


Hails👅. Please go In ur room we need to talk!
Me. Omw


"Hailey? Why are you crying?" I asked

"I'm scared..." she replied

"Of what?" I asked

"I love Zach I'm afraid he might not feel the same. What if we doesn't? I'm gonna feel dumb." SHE SAID

"I'm telling you. He feels the same way I know it. Your crazy if you think he doesn't. He does, trust me." I smiled

"Ok, but what I he doesn't?!?!" She asked

"OK I TOLD YOU HE DOES!!!! Stop being so insecure in telling you he does!" I SAID

"Thanks. I trust you" She hugged me and walked away.

Honestly, I hope this goes well.

Hailey's pov

"Zach, can I talk to you?" I asked

"Sure what up bbyg?" He asked

"I love you" I said

"I love you to babe. I love you to" He smiled

Awh!!!! Yasss! He feels the same. Bae❤❤

Abbie pov

"Um, can we talk?" I asked Blake

"What up?" He asked

"Um, I like you" I smiled

"I have feelings for someone else now. Sorry!!" He said then walked away.
So, that means I can be with Mark! Yes!!

"Mark! Hey." I said

"Hiiiiiiii" He replied

"Whatcha up to?" I asked

"Nothing living life" he said

"Coollllllll" I said

Ok!!! I know it was short.

I haven't really put Zachary_Clayton_13 in the story. So, this is for you!!

Love you all!!!


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