02: Marigold

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Marigold: Warmth and beauty of the rising sun.

Halfway through the week, I've come to realize how much I really don't want to be here.

Sure, most things were better than back home, but I know nothing will ever replace that. The tall story buildings block the sky i'm used to seeing, the crowded hallways become a mess to pass through, and the classrooms reek of the perfume and products that the girls wear.

Halfway through the school day, I realize that I cannot stand another hour with these crazy, unusual things.

Sighing, I take my bento out of my bag and unwrap its cloth. The girls beside me notice this and soon enough, I have people making fun of my smelly food.

"Haha what is that? Some kind of fish trash?"

"Eww, it smells like armpits!"

"Omg, so that's the kind of food that gives you no ass."

"How disgusting, is she not bothered by it?"

Ignoring, I gathered my stuff and rewrapped my bento. As I turned around towards the back door of the classroom, I once again found myself meeting with light brown orbs.

Embarrassed to know he heard everything, I turned away from him as well as a worried Gouda.

My feet came to a halt as the familiar, intimidating figure stood in front of me.

"Yosano, are you alright?" Gouda asked.

I nodded and looked back down at my bento. "Yeah. I just never thought that people don't like shishamo*."

"Shishamo?!" I watched as he snatched his bento from his desk in a flash and showed me its contents. He grinned.

"I have shishamo too!!"

"Yes," I grinned wide, "And awabi*!!"

"You eat awabi too?? I thought I was the only one!"

"Eh, really? People here must not have a tongue for seafood, then."

Gouda shrugged. "Or maybe they're shy, not wanting the smell to stick to them. Or they think it's messy, like Suna."

I paused. "Suna?"

Gouda's face lit up, and he stepped aside to reveal the light brown-eyed boy.

It was all slow motion- the way he turned his head as it lifted off his palm, then leaned it once again after he took a blink. His gaze was set at an angle, so his jaw line was clearly shown. Up close, his features were even more sharp and handsome.

"This is Suna!! Or, Sunakawa Makoto. He's my best friend."

A few seconds went by and I felt more awkward than when I was with Suzume and Shishio sensei.

"Yosano... Chiasa, was it?"

He had now turned to face me, and I looked away in embarrassment for staring at him too long.

"Yes, nice to meet you."

Sunakawa bowed his head to greet me, then turned to face Gouda.

"Hey, who says I don't like seafood?"

"Then try my shishamo."

Gouda pushed his bento in front of him with a determined look. Sunakawa sighed.

We watched as he took a piece, and put it in his mouth. Silence filled the atmosphere as he chewed on the tiny fish. Then, he looked up.

"It tastes good, I guess-"

The Meaning of Spring (OC x Sunakawa Makoto)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant