The Truth

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Hinata came to practice, bags under his eyes, and looking absolutely horrible. He continuously fell asleep standing up with Kageyama and the others shouting and throwing things at him to wake him up. Sometimes, he wouldn't even budge! By this point, Kageyama snapped. Everyone else seemed to notice too, stepping back in fear.

"K-Kageyama!! You look like you're about to murder somebody!!" Asahi said in fear.

"Doesn't he always look like that?" Tsukishima commented smartly.

Kageyama grabbed the collar of Tsukishima's shirt. "You wanna fight?!"

"Knock it off you two!!" Daichi ordered. Kageyama let go of the blondie's shirt and "humphed". He then went over to Hinata, shaking him violently.

"OI!" he shouted. Hinata instantly woke up, startled, and ended up bonking heads with Kageyama. The next thing he knew he was on his butt, rubbing his head and seeing stars.

"Ouchie..." he whined. He looked over, seeing the black haired boy. Hinata flinched. "Uwah!! I-I fell asleep again didn't I?? I-I'm sorry!!"

Sugawara sighed. "You really haven't been getting enough sleep...have you?" he asked.

"W-what?? No I'm fine!! I'll prove it!!" he looked at Kageyama, who was still silently laying on the ground. "Kageyama! Toss to me!! I'll show you all my signature spike!" he said. They all waited for an answer.


Hinata's smile fell. "What?"

"I said no. You're exhausted, Hinata, you need sleep. If you don't get sleep, you'll get sick, and we need you on the team," he replied.

"B-but I'm not tired!! H-honest--"

"STOP LYING DAMMIT!!" Kageyama shouted. "IM NOT PASSING TO YOU UNTIL YOU GET SOME SLEEP!" He looked up at Hinata, seeing tears form in his eyes and his eyes all glossy. "H-Hinata, I--"

Hinata ran out of the room quickly, and Kageyama chasing after him. "Slow down!!" That's when his eyes widened. Hinata's leg moved awkwardly, and he tripped, falling over. Getting knocked out in the process.


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