Joseph's freedom.

Start from the beginning

The metal, rusty, peeling door creaked open, revealing a tall, fat police officer. 

"Come on, son, Lets get your things sorted out." His deep, annoying voice shot through my head. 

I didn't say a word, walking past him. He led me to a room, possibly his office. I walked in, taking a seat on a comfortable chair in the corner of the room. 

"I'll just do some computer work and then we can get you ready to go." He took a bite out of his doughnut. I sighed and looked down at my hands. 

10 minutes passed and he was eventually done. He took a lot of effort to get out of his seat. That took at least 4 seconds. I looked at the clock on the wall. 10:45am. It was planned that I got out at 11:30am. He took me down the corridor and into a room where all my belongings were. I picked up my bag full of clothes. 

"You can get dressed in the changing rooms. PC Burty will take you down." The fat man said, resting his lazy bum on the chair. I nodded and followed the man. 

"20 years, eh?" He asked, smirking. 

"No, it was 1 year. What do you think?" I spat. 

"Wow, lad. Calm down, I was only asking." He laughed. 

I ignored him. We got to the changing rooms and he finally gave me privacy. I got in, not bothering to have a shower and got my clothes out. After changing, I walked out to be greeted by the same man again. 

"That was quick." He gave me a yellow band. 

"What's this for?" I rolled my eyes. 

"You put it on you. It's for prisoners and you are still a prisoner until you leave this building." 

I followed his orders, putting it over my head. He then took me to the room with the rest of the people that were leaving today. There was only 3 other people there. 

"Hey mate." My room mate greeted. 

"Hey." I high fived him, childishly. 

I couldn't wait to leave. It was only half an hour now. Half an hour till freedom. I sat next to my mate, called Connor. He was my room mate for 15 years. He was caught with drugs. I chatted with him for a bit. About my past. I forgot to tell him why I was even arrested. We were too busy playing cards and earning crisps. Cards was the only entertainment around here. 

Half an hour went passed and it was time to leave. Yes! 

I followed the man to the doors to freedom, I ripped off my band, throwing it on the floor. 

"Thanks for keeping me locked away from freedom." I smirked, running out the doors. I can't believe I am out. After 20 years, this was amazing. 

I got the bus with left over money and went back to my house. It smelt of blood and death. Even memories! The first thing I did was go into the old dungeon. The blood had dried into the floor and Kayleigh's belongings was still in a bag, here. 

I had to see Daisy though. I was desperate to see her. Though, I didn't know where she lived now. I walked out of the stinking house and walked to her old orphanage. It hadn't changed at all. It was still the same. I pressed the door bell and a tall woman answered. 

"Joseph." She gasped. I smiled, letting myself in. 

"I need to know where Delilah Smith moved." 

"I'm sorry but I can't tell you that information." She mumbled, quietly. 

"I am not going to harm her. I just want to say sorry for what I did. I learnt my lesson in prison. Please." 

She sighed, finally giving in. She took me to her office. 

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