Stop lying (Niall and Louis)

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(Louis P.O.V)
I awoke at about 4:30 this morning. No reason, just the fact that I felt like absolute shit. My throat hurt like hell, I couldn't stop coughing, my eyes were watery, I couldn't go one second without sneezing. Damn it. I'm sick.

I lied in bed and then looked at my clock which read 8:47. That's late enough for me to get some breakfast if I'm able to swallow it. I headed down to the kitchenette where I found the rest of the boys.

"Morning Lou, you've got a half an hour to get ready and out the door. Go", Liam said laughing at something.

"Guys, I just don't feel good. My throat hurts, I can't stop coughing, I feel sick as hell. Is it possible to take a day or two off?" I asked.

"Awh, Lou, I'm sorry but management wouldn't let us skip anything. We have a 14 hour flight to Japan", Harry said sadly.

"Ugh okay. I'll get ready now. See ya", I said walking away.

"Louis wait. Let's get some medicine in you", Liam said.

"Fine", I said. I just wanted to feel better.

I took the medicine and after a little while it started to tone down a little but it hurt badly to talk and I sounded bad anyways so I decided not to talk until the concert. I told the boys and they agreed that it was a good idea.

(Harry P.O.V)
Louis was obviously sick but I guess Niall wanted some attention too.

"I know you guys aren't going to believe me but I'm feeling the same way as Lou is right now", Niall said kind of raspy but not enough to have me convinced.

"Niall cut the crap. We both know you're just jealous that Louis is getting our attention but if our best friend is sick, you can't just sit here and pretend. No", I snapped at him.

"But Harry the problem with your statement is that it's not true. I feel like complete and utter shit. If you don't believe me fine, but if you get sick in the next couple days know why", Niall snapped back. Niall never snaps at anyone...


We were on the plane finally and we had 13 hours to go.

"How you holding up Lou?", I asked.

"Horrible", he muttered.

"I brought that medicine. Let's give you some more", Liam said. He gave Louis the meds and he took them thankful that Li had them.

"Harry...", Niall said.

"What the fuck do you want Niall?", I almost screamed.

"I don't feel good...", he whimpered. I almost believed him but he's a very good actor. He could fake a broken leg and we would all believe him, even the doctor. But I wasn't going to break this time.

"Niall stop acting. It was funny at the beginning, actually no, it wasn't. Just cut it out okay?" I snapped. He mumbled something but I couldn't make it out.

(Niall P.O.V)
I literally felt like I was dying but my best friends didn't believe me. This is just fantastic.

"Hey Nia- you look like shit man", Liam said sounding concerned.

"What a coincidence that's how I'm feeling too!" I said smiling sarcastically.

"Oh yah, Harry told me about your little problem. He sent me in here with a present for you", Liam said hesitantly.

"Okay...", I was kind of scared. Then I felt a pain in my head a little under my headache on my cheek. He slapped me.

"Liam what the fu-", I yelled before I was cut off... by puking.

"Oh shit Ni, I'm so sorry. Um... you're doing great", Liam said rubbing my stomach.

"Hey your ruckus is keeping Louis a-", Harry paused but I couldn't look up due to the fact that I was vomiting my guts out. "Niall seriously making yourself puke? Come on now stop being childish", Harry practically screamed. I couldn't believe this.

"Harry! He's obviously unwell! God for bid two of us are sick at the same time and there's always going to be you, only believing one of them! You're stupid Harry! Go help your Prince Charming now and I got Niall! Ya fuck up", Liam whispered the last part so only I could hear. Finally someone believes me! But I was still sick so that really sucked.

"Okay! Bye now", Harry yelled, slamming the door shut.

Louis ended up feeling much better the next day and looked after me as Harry was still mad. I don't know what for, but he was mad about something. I was sick for two weeks with Liam and Louis taking care of me. Zayn visited and took care of me as well. Harry apologized and we're all cool now. Oh, we also got three weeks off after!

//Hey guys I'm back! Sorry it took so long for me to update! I'm recovering from surgery and didn't have time. Anyways, I hope you liked it and thank you VampireJER for the idea! Don't forget to vote and feel free to send me any requests! xx~Emma//

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