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I was the boy no one noticed I would I always sit alone at lunch,sit alone on the bus because I was afraid of making friends cause of a mistake I made in the past.
I get teased by the jocks saying.
"Hey you little wussy wanna fight." Me being the shy guy I am I just act like they aren't even there.
I was on the bus this morning reading a book when I noticed a brunette girl come on the bus with glasses and everything.
"Umm excuse me can I sit by you." I looked up It was that brunette
"Sure." I said scooting over so she could sit
"Thanks so I'm riley you are." She asked looking at me with a warm and friendly smile
"I-I'm l-Lucas." I said quietly and shyly
"No need to be shy around me Lucas I'm not gonna hurt you I wanna be your friend but only if you let me." She says putting her hand ontop of Lucas's
Lucas's felt a tingling sensation go out through his body he didn't know what it was,was he falling in love he couldn't be he just met her,but he had to admit she is the most beautiful he's ever laid his eyes on.
Ok that's when I realized I was falling in love all over again and then I told myself
"Not good Lucas not good." I said slumping in my seat sad

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2016 ⏰

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