Not wanting to harm him and knowing his pain, she banished him from the country as a mercy.

His title was taken and the Pharaoh's army made sure he was out of the country and placed him in an abandoned city, where he could harm nobody.

Day by day Artekdor got angrier, his heart became a black hole and emotionless. He could be only stopped if somebody killed him.

He prepared many ways of taking a revenge on the Pharaoh but they all were stopped by ISIS.

One night, Artekdor erupted like a volcano in the Pharaoh's palace, placing a knife under Pharaoh's son's neck.

ISIS who was present at the place being fed up of his pointless attacks, she defeats him, later she locks him and places the worst curse on his tomb.

She hid him under the sand and since that day Kemet was in peace, all were happy and safe. There were no words for him anymore and as the time past by people had forgotten about him.

But this was not the end of Artekdor's fate, one day he will be surely discovered and he will take the long waited revenge.

I closed the book; I couldn't believe what I was reading.

His early life reminded me of my hard life but I guess I ended up being good, meanwhile, he ended being evil.

We have same past but different choices plus, I don't have any magical powers.

But, as for ISIS... She is my freaking ancient idol! I love her so much; I always look up to her.

I don't know did I miss out a book that contains her; she was a total badass in Artekdor's story.

He deserved that punishment, but I am kind of confused as why did she place a curse on him.

I am so scared of the fact that I had seen him on a nightmare, day before seeing this book.

If his tomb isn't really discovered, then it might have something with our journey.... Maybe it's a warning.

I hope we won't find his tomb, I will be really careful from onwards.

Knowing now his story, I packed my stuff and looked out for Brandon to return to the hotel; we still had an hour to our curfew.

We went to the meeting room and placed the files on the table. After some minutes the room was filled and we were ready to announce our found information.

-''Liam, prepare to represent your information'' Vincent said in a tone of command.

''I am ready, sir'' Liam added, sweat coming from his forehead.

''From the information I and Zack gathered, Menkauhor was probably the seventh ruler of Egypt's 5th Dynasty.

Menkauhor was this king's throne name, which means "Eternal are the Souls of Re". His birth name was Kalu.

On the other hand, he is probably the least well-attested ruler of this dynasty and can be counted among the least attested kings of any non intermediate period.

The relationship of Menkauhor with his predecessors or successors is not known. However, it is likely that he was either the brother or son of Niuserre, his predecessor.

If he was Niuserre's son, it would probably have been by Niuserre's chief queen, Neput-Nebu. It is also likely that he was the father of Djedkare, who followed him to the throne.

If not, he was almost certainly Djedkare's brother, with Niuserre being both king's father, or Djedkare's cousin, with Djedkare being the son of Neferefre, and Menkauhor being the son of Niuserre.

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