Rushing in rehearsal

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"Five, six, seven, eight." Was being yelled into Gabriella's ears. Dancing is not exactly her forté. "Gabriella focus on the dance" Was harshly thrown at her, every 5 minutes.

"Okay, so obviously you all need a break" was echoed through the big room. "So, get out of my dance room." The children quickly exited the room as the teacher shooed them away like a bunch of flies. Since the children were restricted to eat in the dance rooms, they found the benches they're mothers usually would sit on, and just had a break there. I really hate that our dance teacher is so mean to us all the time. Gabriella said in her head.

She always thought why they're teacher was so mean to them. Did she not like them? Was she just trying to be mean? Whatever it was, was probably just for the best. When they're break was over, they went back into the room and rehearsed the number for what felt like fifteen million more times.

"Okay so that's it for today" the teacher said. "Remember that competition is only a day away. So this routine has to be perfected and ready to go on the starpower stage. Or else, all of you will make the Electric Dance Company look like a bunch of fools." Gabriella thought well to us and our moms YOU already look like a fool.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2016 ⏰

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