"I'm sorry," Akeela apologized, glaring defiantly at Dave.

"That's no way to apolo-" Akeela lunged at David, smashing the stone against his face. He screamed in pain but Akeela didn't wait around to find out how he was doing. She used the momentary confusion she had caused to make a break for it. She had run no more than two meters when she felt some one grab her hair and yank her backwards. She let out a pained gasp and fell hard on her back, the pendant clutched tightly in her left hand.

It was Dave who had grabbed her and he was now ordering his goons to pin Akeela down. The stone had cut him right above his right eye, which was closed to prevent blood from getting into it.

"You stupid, stupid bitch!" Dave screamed, kicking Akeela in the ribs with every word. "Look what you've done!"

Akeela looked but she didn't care. She gritted her teeth, closed her eyes against the pain and clutched the pendant.

It will take you anywhere as long as you wish it.

Please work, she whispered, drowning out the pain from David's kicks. Please work.

She thought of home, of her room and of the soft bed she'd jump on as soon as she was whisked away and she allowed herself a small smile.

"I wish I were home," she whispered. And she waited for the pendant to take her away.

It didn't.

Slowly, Akeela felt the fear mounting in her chest and she gulped back her tears. She clutched the pendant tighter in her desperation and wished and wished and wished but nothing happened.

Of course nothing happened, Akeela chided herself. Magic doesn't exist and you were stupid to ever believe otherwise.

Akeela slowly opened her eyes to look at Dave, who had finally stopped kicking her and she didn't like what she saw one bit. David was looking at her strangely, like he had just found out something about Akeela that had always been hidden. She felt his eyes raking her body, thinking of how best he could hurt her.

Finally, he asked in a low silent voice, "How old are you?"

"T-thirteen," Akeela stammered.

Dave narrowed his eyes. "How long till you are fourteen?"

"A week," Akeela moaned, trying to ignore the throbbing pain in her ribs.

"Only two years younger than me then," Dave said dangerously. "That's good enough for me."

And then he started to unbuckle his belt.

Akeela's lips went dry when she realized what was happening.

"No," she whispered. "No please David! Please you said you wouldn't. You promised!"

She struggled to release her hands from the clutches of David's friends but it was no use; they were just too strong and Akeela had never been anything but frail.

"You hit me Akeela," David growled. "No one hits me. Ever."

"Please, please David," Akeela begged. "I'll do anything. Anything. Just don't do this to me."

"H-hey Dave. You're not really going to are you?" she heard one of David's friends ask nervously. "This is just sick man; she just a kid."

"Shut up Mike," David next. "Or next time it'll be your sister on the ground." Mike paled and made not another sound.

Akeela was crying now, her vision blurred by the tears in her eyes. She lashed out with her legs but Dave caught them and pinned them down. She tried to scream when she felt him on top of her, but his kicks had done more damage than she had realized because all she let out was a strangled gasp. She sobbed harder when she felt his pot breath on her face as he kissed her cheeks, his hands touching her, unzipping her trousers, doing disgusting things to her.

Broken: A Legend Of The Seeker FanficWhere stories live. Discover now