Moving in for the month

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You, Mark and Jack arrive at Jack's place.
J: "you two are lucky there are 2 spare room now"
Mark looks at him with confusion.
M: "I thought your girlfriend was living with you"
J: "actually we broke up about 6 months ago"
There was an awkward silence.
M: "oh sorry I had no idea. Why didn't you say?"
Jack was just silent as mark hugged him.
J: "I'm fine" he said with a big smile but you didn't know if you believed it.

J: "anywayyyy" he giggled "I will show yous to your room"
I know this is really bad but I'm kind of happy jack is single.

Your room is next to the living room. It was small but cute. The walla were floral. A thought occurs why did jack and his girlfriend not share a room...
You spend most of the day unpacking by the time you are finished youre ready for bed.

Y/n: "I think I'm going to go to bed"
M: "me too"
J: "okay, I will turn it down abit so yous can sleep"
"Thanks" you and Mark say at the same time and giggle.

You get into bed. You go to turn off the light and it breaks instantly. "For F**k sake" you whispered to yourself. You would of gone to bed but it smashed and parts of it were on the bed.

You then make your way back to the living room with your covers.
J: "I thought you went to bed"
Y/n: "I thought you would be sleeping. The light broke over my bed so I thought I would sleep on the couch."
J: "sleep in my bed I will sleep on the couch"
Y/n: "n-noooo I couldn't do that"
After 5 minutes of going back and forth.
Y/n: "I guess we will both have the sleep one the couches"
Jack: "orrrrr we could both sleep in my bed"
Y/N: "sure im too tired to argue"
Jack: "i was going to go bed room anyway"
"Sure" you said under your breathe.

You and Jack make your way to his room. It had posters everywhere as if he was a teenager.
Y/n: "cute room"

You and Jack get into his big bed. You go to the opposite side of him so he doesn't think your crazy.

He moves closer to you and slowly puts his arm around you. You relax into him and fall asleep.

The next morning
Marks POV
I decided to make breakfast for y/n and Jack because even though they were both early birds for some reason they wasn't up yet.

*time skip*
All done. I look at the clock 11:30am. Wow them two are till not up. Weird.
I decided to go wake y/n. I walk into her room but she wasn't there and the light wouldn't turn on.

Really weird.

I decided to go to Jack's room.

*your POV*
You are half asleep half awake. You feel jack around.
Thank God it wasn't a dream

"HELLO" You look up and Mark is giving you and Jack a death stare.

Being Marks Sister. Jacksepticeye X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now