My grip on the offset spatula in my hand tightened to the point of pain and my vision was rimmed in red. Part of me though long and hard about running out in their direction and jabbing my buttercream covered tool into Dalton's eyeballs, but I figured that sight was a bit too gruesome for a first birthday. Instead, I placed the item on the counter -albeit I might've slammed it -- and made the slow journey in the direction of the pair that had no right to be anywhere near my home. 

Too caught up in my own thoughts with a sense of tunnel vision, I didn't notice Ward step up to me until his thick arm was wrapped firmly around my waist and his mouth was pressed lightly against the shell of my ear. Normally, this would've sent shivers down my spine, but I was too pissed to register the wicked sensations. I was out for blood. 

"No, baby, not today." Ward's drawl echoed in my ears, barely seeping through my mental defenses, "They aren't going to ruin Little Man's birthday. Not after all of your planning and hard work." My inner she-bitch was growling, demanding I rip into both Dalton and Carrie, but with Ward's voice of reason in my ear, I knew it wouldn't happen. He had this uncanny ability to calm me down and I both loved and hated it. The muscles in my body slowly began to uncoil and the tension in my jaw lessened as he chanted soft words to me, soothing me with silly sayings and murmurs of praise. It took a few minutes, but between his hot breath on my ear and his thick body practically wrapped around me, I finally calmed enough to pull away. I decided to put on a brave face and allow Dalton this one birthday, because after next week, he might not get the chance. 

I'd filed for sole custody of Walker after we'd returned to Red Mire and I had a good chance of getting it. 

In a polite manner, one that my parents were hopefully very proud of, I welcomed the pair, told them they were welcome to set their gift down and offered them a cold drink. After their baffled responses, I decided I could return to my duties while Walker was passed around and Ward kept an eye on everything. 

"That's your ex?" Donnie asked, sneering over the last word as I placed the candle in the sheet cake. I nodded wordlessly and shrugged as I motioned to the serving utensils and grabbed the cakes from the counter. "Cass, honey, I love you, but what were you thinking?" His normally deep voice was slightly shrill. I winced at the high pitch. 

"Dalton was a good man to me for a long time, but I have no idea who he is now."  

"Well, let's forget all about your ex. I want to know about your new relationship. How are you and Ward doing, lovely?" Donnie squealed in excitement as I stepped cautiously over the metal lip of the glass doors. I didn't necessarily know how to answer this. Ward and I were in an unspoken relationship of sorts. We held hands like teenagers, cuddled some, and there were even a few stolen kisses shared, but no mention of being more than friends. I was really, really ready for more.

I knew how I felt about Ward and while I knew I should be worried about what could happen if I got into a relationship, but I knew deep down that Ward wouldn't hurt me. My gut told me to go for it and every molecule in my whole body was in agreement.

"We're figuring it out, I think." I said finally around trying to smile and greet the numerous people milling around the large expanse of yard. "One day at a time." I mumbled this more to myself than to him. I weaved through the large mass and placed the surprisingly heavy cake on the table and waited for Donnie to do the same for the smash cake and serving utensils. 

"You ready, baby?" Ward was right behind me with a giggling Walker in his arms, their matching caps gleaming under the sunlight. 

Yeah, totally ready for that change. 


Just do it! My mind screamed repeatedly as I listened to Cassie laugh, her arms wrapped firmly around my blushing Papaw. I'd been waiting all day to finally ask her to be my official girl friend, but she'd been so busy that I hadn't had the chance. Dave had even shown up early so I would talk to him and ask his permission to date his daughter -- something he found both hilarious and respectful. Currently, I was wearing a piece of green and yellow cake watching as Walker smeared it across the face of every person brave enough to pick him up. 

"- and he ran around the house buck naked screaming that he didn't want his pecker to fall off!" I winced. Papaw was determined to embarrass me and Cassie was eating it up. Her laugh made it worth it though. She tossed her head back, her chocolate waves dancing down her back -- eyes aglow with laughter. She was a sight to behold.

"Pretty, isn't she?" The voice to my immediate left  was one I had no interest in hearing but knew I had to deal with. Dalton. I knew he was her ex-husband and he knew how deeply beautiful she was, but I didn't care -- he'd given her up and Cassie was mine. 

Or she would be if be if I would actually ask her. 

"She's beautiful, Dalton, not just pretty." I said softly, aware of the eyes on us. Practically the whole party was watching us. I was sure it was peculiar to see the ex and the potential suitor together and they were all expecting it to come to blows, which was still possible if he said the wrong thing. I could see out of the corner of my eye that he was about to say something else, but before he could make a sound, Walker was sitting at my feet with bright blue joy filled eyes and a green face. 

"Up, up!" He chirped, lifting his chubby little arms in the air. Thankful for the interruption I bent to pick him up, smiling as he yawned loudly. It was nearly time for him to get laid down for bed seeing as it was almost nine o'clock, but he had slept pretty late during his afternoon nap. I figured another fifteen minutes wouldn't hurt.

"Havin' fun, Little Man?" 

"Fun!"  He squealed, clapping his hands together emphatically. I grinned. I'd probably never tire of this kids excitement or his mother's laugh. 

"Papa fed you lots of sweets, didn't he?" I asked while cleaning up a glob of icing from his face. He simply giggled, his chubby cheeks turning a bright shade of red. Another little yawn escaped his mouth after a few minutes and before I knew it, he was snuggling into the nape of my neck. I knew it'd be hell getting him to stay still while we cleaned all of the sugar off of him. He settled in fitfully, but finally his warm steady breath alerted me to the fact that he was sleeping.

"He really loves you, doesn't he?" I'd forgotten that Dalton was still standing there, but when I turned, I found a look of resignation on his face that sent a sense of relief coursing through my body. 

"I love him just as much." 

"Good." And that was the only thing he said before he walked to collect Carrie to leave. 

"Thank you so much for helping me clean up, Ward. It's so late." Cassie murmured tiredly, glancing up at the clock. 

"You don't gotta thank me, baby. I'll help you anyway I can." I stated, tying up the last of the trash bags. Her smile in return shot straight through my body. Damn she was breathtaking. Her hair was up in a sloppy ponytail, the minuscule amount of make up she'd put on was now smudged under her eyes and her accent was more pronounced now that she was tired -- something I found terribly adorable. She'd gone from being dressed in a dark pair of blue jeans that showed off her shapely legs and edible bottom, and a top that complimented her curves to one of the shirts I'd left over here two weeks ago while bathing Walker and a pair of jean shorts. My whole body was aware of her and I was dying to lean in and capture her mouth with mine. But, I couldn't do that until I asked her - I didn't want to send mixed signals. I wanted to knowing there was a definite label on what we were. 

Suddenly, all of my anxiety and anticipation pushed to the forefront and I couldn't hold back my thoughts anymore. I had to ask her, whether or not she said yes, I had to know. 


Her only response was a tired 'hmmm'.

"I don't want to be friends anymore." 

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