Chapter 1

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Chase's Pov
Oh how rude of me, I forgot to mention my name. I'm Chase Anderson, I was sold by my family to the slave auction for money. I have been in the slave business since I was five. I have been training to become the best slave to my future master. I am a sixteen year old male, I'm a virgin, and am about to be sold to my new master.

As I waited for my name to be called, I heard the bids increasing and other slaves being beaten for not being able to be sold.
"Chase Anderson" the announcer said to the crowd, " is a sixteen year old virgin, is a great submissive for you dominates in the crowd, and is easy to tame. The bidding starts at $1,000." The bids constantly increased, "$10,000!" "$1,000,000!" Someone shouted. The announcer bellowed, "Going once, going twice, sold to the bidder of $1,000,000!" I was dragged away forcefully off the stage towards my new master.

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