She flash stepped to stand behind the opposing captain while the other me stood directly in front of her.

"I win," I whispered. But before our blades cut through her, everything disappeared and a new setting unfolded.

I was laying on a huge plush bed in a semi dark room. There was a soft, flickering light coming from a candle in the window.

The walls were a pale shade of purple - almost white - with cherry blossoms made to look like they were raining down. It smelled of warm, soothing vanilla.

I stood up to look out the window. There was no moon tonight so I could see so many stars. It was absolutely stunning. There was a koi pond a few feet away and clusters of sakura trees dotting the yard.

I heard the door slide open urgently and spun around to see Rukia rush into the room with tears in her eyes.

"Nee-san?" She whispered. My eyes widened and tears started flowing.

"Rukia!" I cried. We rushed into each other's arms and sank to the ground. We were both sobbing when a man appeared in the doorway with slate grey eyes and two sets of kenseikan in his shoulder length black hair.

I barely had time to look at him before this scene also evaporated. I woke up in a white room with medical monitors around me and tubes in my arms.

Sitting to my right were Rukia and the man from my last dream. Both were sleeping but I couldn't say they looked peaceful. It was at that moment that I remembered the first dream I'd had of Unohana and began panicking.

I have to leave before she comes back, I thought. I ripped the tubes out of my arm and threw the blankets off. I stood up and looked at the wide open window. Taking the first step forward I realized how much my body still hurt, but I couldn't let that stop me. I glanced down to see I had been changed into a thin white shirt and baggy pants of the same material.

The crushing realization that I had no idea where I was or where to go hit me like a ton of bricks. My heart dropped. I quietly took a deep breath and decided to continue on anyways.

No matter what I can't stay here and wait just for her to come back.

I painfully jumped over the windowsill and looked around myself. All I could really see was white buildings of different shapes and sizes.

I searched carefully for any surrounding reiatsu, finding three powerful beings coming from the east and another who I guessed was the man in the room I'd just left. I didn't want anything to do with them so I headed west.

My shunpo was so slow I was barely staying ahead of the three beings behind me. I was growing frustrated.

How are they following me so easily? I hissed. I checked my reiatsu, but in my severely weakened state it couldn't possibly have been leading them to me.

What is- But that's when the pain caught up with me. I groaned quietly to the night.

Well, I thought sarcastically, It couldn't be the blood trail leading them my way, I groaned again.

I clutched my stomach wound hoping to staunch the bleeding a little, and ran into the nearest building without checking for other people and collapsed.

"What do I do?" I asked aloud.

I curled up into a ball hoping to make the pain ease off. It helped a little, but when I heard footsteps outside of the door I tensed, causing painful spasms to run throughout my body.

"We have to find her. She's lost too much blood." Someone called. Unohana.

They tracked me so easily even in the dark. Why are they trying so hard?

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