Chapter 1 [Edited]

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Tears started to glaze over my vision. But I would not let myself cry...not now at least.

'She wouldn't want me to cry'

When he was done tying the restraints around my small,cold wrists he pulled me into a dingy and filthy alley (picture above). He pushed me again against the chilling brick of the building, but this time I was facing his ugly... Repulsive...unkept face. He just looked at me his eyes where cold and empty. He ripped off my jacket and tossed it to the floor. I screamed out for someone to hear my calls for help, but it was no use no one was around the only people that would be around would be wasted as fuck and just coming out of the bars that where still open.
"Keep makes it more fun for me" he hissed venom seething in his words. I hesitantly let a single tear fall from my e/c orbs, having it trickle down my cheek and onto the cold pavement below my feet .
"You son of a bitch let go of me!" I yelled and tried kicking him. I ultimately failed but got one kick on his left shin. He chuckled at my failed attempt to hurt him, so he punched me in the gut knocking all the air out of me.

"PLEASE STOP!!!!!" I screamed and fell to the floor. He laughed loudly and then kicked me on my right hip when he saw my vulnerable position. I fell onto my side and let out a blood curdling scream in pain.

He gave a sickly grin and dragged me up and threw me against the other wall like a ragdoll. My back hit the cold material and I heard a loud Crack in my back.

"Don't make any noise you are only making it worse for yourself" he spat.
He was asking very difficult things from me how am I not supposed to scream when I am being tortured.

I shuddered as he threw off my shirt, being outside in a bra while its the middle of November does not help. I gathered up enough strength to just barely get my balance as I stood up again.
"What do you want with me..why are you doing this to me...I never did anything to you, so why do you want to hurt me so badly?" I asked surprisingly calmly as I felt blood trickle down my forehead.

He picked up a glass beer bottle that stood against the wall and smashed it against my head, breaking it into a million tiny pieces. I felt blood gush from my forehead and from the top of my head.
"THE HELL DID I SAY!" he yelled and struck my face with the neck of the broken bottle against my chest in order for the glass to be imbedded into my flesh. I screamed and fell back against the wall and hit my head extremely hard. I felt my vision fading slightly but tried to stay awake for as long as I could.

'She wouldn't want me to go down like this'

~????? Pov~
We walked out of the bar it was close to 2 in the morning. Everyone was laughing and cracking jokes. I joined them soon after, until I stopped in my tracks to listen in on a serious sounding conversation.   

"What do you want with me..why are you doing this to me..I never did anything to you so why do you want to hurt me so badly?"

"THE HELL DID I SAY!!" Someone yelled followed by a almost inhumanly loud scream.

"...S-suho hyung... s-should we do something?" Tao asked a bit shaken

"follow me" I said lowly as the 11 other boys quietly followed me. We found ourselves walking into a filthy alley way. We walked through it before hearing another scream from the other direction. We quickly ran in the direction of the scream.

  What we saw made my skin crawl. She was bloody, bruised and abused,she had rope burns all over her body as well as knife marks deeply embedded in her abdomen from past experiences I'm guessing because they didn't look new.

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