Chapter Two

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Quick announcement: This story WILL NOT include age play elements. While I, for one, would never shame a kink shared between consenting adults, the concept of littles, age play, and infantilization makes me very uncomfortable with its sometime pedophilic connotations and I'd prefer to leave it out. Yes, Marinette will be calling Adrien daddy in this fic, but it is more a nod to their sugar relationship than any sort of insane fetish thing.


Enjoy, Sinners.

"Would you look at that? An entire best friend!" Alya grinned in greeting. "Nice to see you not in a dozen fleshy pieces floating around the Seine."

"Good afternoon to you too," Marinette grumbled good-naturedly, stepping through the door into Alya's studio apartment.

As always, she immediately made herself comfortable in her home away from home, slipping off her shoes and coat before hopping onto one of the barstools and snagging a bottle of soda from where it sat atop the counter.

"You're smiling," Alya pointed out, padding into the kitchen and leaning across the bar.

When they were in lycée, the girls had always talked about becoming roommates once they moved away from their parents, but those plans had been dashed when they realized their respective universities were on opposite sides of the city. Needless to say, neither of them had been too keen on having to endure a daily hour-long commute, but they still made the trek to see each other at least once a week.

Gotta keep the friendship strong.

"Am I?" Marinette hummed, taking an idle sip from her drink as she tried to ease the grin off her face.

"You are," Alya said flatly. "Can I go out on a limb here and say the date went well?"

Marinette nodded fiercely, though "well" was a bit of an understatement for describing the events of Saturday.

Her date would have gone "well" if the guy had ended up not being a douchebag, had 75% of his hair, and split a combo platter with her at some mid-range diner. "Well" would have left Marinette feeling more or less comfortable with the idea of sugar dating, and left her with some ideas to think on, to ponder.

Having a sweet, kind, down-to-earth literal supermodel treat her to a 5 star dinner and a movie was in a whole other realm above "well".

Two or three realms, even.

"It went great. Fantastic, actually," Marinette said, spinning in her seat. "In fact, I think it was the best date I've ever been on!"

"Damn, how much did he slip you at the end?" Alya questioned with a raise of her brows.

"It's not like that," Marinette responded. She was met with a suspicious hum. "Okay it was a hundred but I genuinely had a good time with him! God, Alya, he was so polite. He put an arm around me when I was cold and listened to me talk about video games—"

"You did not go on another Mortal Kombat rant."

"I did! But Adrien didn't even seem to mind!" Marinette sighed, trying to reel in her excitement as she polished off her soda.

"Okay, so he was nice... but what about looks-wise?" Alya interrogated, grabbing the empty bottle and placing another in front of her friend. She had learned long ago that a bit of caffeine was all it took to loosen Marinette's tongue, so she made sure to stock up when she wanted to get details out of her.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2016 ⏰

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