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Beep beep beep 'the beautiful sound that I also call a alarm clock.
'blake wake up you'll be late'
'Yeah i'm already awake'
I quickly get out of bed before she comes up and pulls me out. My mother is always so stressed, this is probably because she just divorced from my father 'Dumb ass'
He cheated with Natasja. What was that a bitch. I really could'nt stand it. I dress quickly and then go downstairs to eat some breakfast. I recently moved to another school and today is my first day.

* skip the rest of the morning *

I have arrived at school, literally for the first time in my life I am too early instead of too late hehe, I walk to the administration to pick up my schedule and books, I still have half an hour before the lesson start. So i think i'm just gonna explore the school... as I walk through the school I see a girl sitting, she looks alone so I decide to say hello to her.
'Hey, I'm blake, I'm new here'
'Hi, I'm jody'
'Why are you at school so early'
'I had some problems at home and fled'
'Ow that sucks I have to go again but i'll talk to ya later'
I continue to look for the right room, D2a once I have found it I sit on the bench near the room. You know what I always find the most uncomfortable, when you are new you always have to tell your whole life story and then everyone turns to you, to stare at you .. at such a moment I really think wejoo is this the voice or some crazy shit like that...



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