
I woke up feeling good. Today was going to be a different day. I liked Oakley and I was going to make her like me back. She was going to be okay for once in her life. People were watching out for her. I was watching out for her.

Running down into the kitchen mum was already up making pancakes.
“Hey mum why are you up so early?” I asked kissing her forehead. She was so small and little, it was almost funny.

“Hey Scott,  you sleep well?” She smiled up at me.

“Yeah really well. It’s going to be a good day today I’m thinking.” I returned the smile.

“Why are you so happy?” She asked.

“Oakley is going to be protected all the time now. That guy will never get to her. It’s simple.” I almost laughed at how good of a mood I was in.

“You’re going to be late for school if don’t stop rambling about Oakley.” She patterned me on the back and left the kitchen. She was the most amazing mother I had ever seen.

I would do anything for my mum.

I got to school in a nick of time. Running through the school building, I sat down in the only vacant seat. The bell rang, and I was safe. Looking to my left and right to see who I was sitting next to, my heart raced when I saw who was in front of me. I’m surprised I didn’t smell her when I ran in.

I leaned forward and tapped her back. Jumping in her seat. Oakley turned around and cured when she saw who it was.

“Hey Oakley.” I smiled.

“Hi” She said turned back around in her chair.

I tapped her once again and she turned around looking almost angry.

“What?” She snapped.

“Wait for me after class will ya?” I asked her.

“Whatever.” She muttered turning around again.

Class was a bore. Nothing interesting happened, I mean nothing. No one said anything all class. Oakley on the other hand, she was so cute when she was thinking. She always played with her hands when she was deep in thought. Whatever she was thinking about was intense, she didn’t stop playing with them.

If only I could read her thoughts. Stupid werewolf powers. Why couldn’t I be a bloodsucker with awesome powers?

Class was finally over; I walked out the room waiting for her. She had just managed to get out of her chair when I was outside waiting.She was one of them slow girls who didn't care about being the last one in the class room.

She was interdependent. I liked it.

She came out looking around everywhere until she saw me sitting down on the bench. She sat down, looking unsure and nervous what this conversation was about.

“Hey.” She muttered.

“Didn’t think you’d come.” I admitted.


“We didn’t really leave things on a good note yesterday.” I smiled.

“Yeah you’re a jerk.” She almost laughed at her own boldness.

“Yeah listen I’m sorry about that, I didn’t mean to upset you or anything.” I nodded.

“It’s alright, I’m just so sick of all this fighting and bickering with you.” She sighed. It was true though. If we weren’t fighting we weren’t talking at all.

“Yeah it’s a little annoying I guess. Seeing you angry is kinda cute though.” She blushed at that.

“Just a little annoying." She ignored the last bit.

“Let me make it up to you, tonight come out for dinner with me.” She looked up from her hands and at me.

“Really?” She smiled.

“Really. I wasn’t joking when I told you I wanted to make this work between us.”

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