Chapter one

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I don't own twilight.

Bella's prov

I woke up this morning feeling awful first Edward had to hunt last night and second I have a feeling something really bad happened. I decide I had to get up and take a shower after I took a shower I tried to call Edward twice he didn't answer so I tried to call Alice she didn't answer either something is definitely wrong. I get in my ancient truck and drive over there, when I get over there I use my key and unlock the door. When I enter I call Edward and nothing happened so I check the living room and I see a note from Aro , Marcus and caius sayings

Dear Isabella, we have turned the Cullen's into children for not changing you. Every Sunday they will age 2 years, when they get to the age they were changed at the will turn back to normal. You can take them to isle Esme for now. We will have some people (vampires) there waiting to take you to isle Esme. There is a van in the garage with car seats and baby stuff (bottles, diapers, blankets, ect.). The keys for the van are hanging up by the garages
From Aro, Marcus ,and Cauis.

After I finished the letter I headed up stairs and found.

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