New Weapon

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It was quiet for awhile as the two Auto-Bots stood there in the snow.

"M.A, I'm glad to-"

"I changed my name, Smokescreen. It's WildStyle now." she interrupts him. But she quickly hugs him tightly. Holding him close to her form. "I missed you." WildStyle whispered. Smokescreen smiled before he wraps his arms around her. "I missed you too."

WildStyle backed away to look at his face. She touches his cheek and smiles. "You've certainly changed. You're more mature." WildStyle comments. "You leaving really affected all of us." Smokescreen said sadly. He suddenly leans in and gives her a deep kiss. She obliges and wraps her arms tightly around him. Both were showering their love in that one kiss.

After a few minutes of heavily making out. The two finally broke. They both were breathing heavily. A smile broke out on Smokescreen's face. He holds her close to him, not wanting to let her go. "I'm so glad being in your arms again." WildStyle whispered. "And I'm glad to have you in my arms." Smokescreen replied.

He runs his hands down her waist and felt her weapons. He knew about her whip and sword but felt a new weapon. Smokescreen looked at the new weapon and saw two metal fans. "New weapons I see?" Smokescreen asks. WildStyle smiles and takes them out. She opens them up, exposing they were two feet long when opened. They had a black spine with a green fan. "These are my tessens. I made them myself out of metal." WildStyle explains.

Suddenly, she closes her tessens and struck smokescreen in the chest. He let out a gasp and he fell to his knees. "They are a very powerful weapon for kunoichi. Which is one of the reasons I trained." WildStyle said as she got down on her knees. She gives smokescreen a chaste kiss on the lips. Keeping him close to her.

"They are certainly powerful." Smokescreen said with a grunt. WildStyle laughs at him and hugs him. "I love you." Smokescreen whispered. "I love you too." 

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