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(Btw, "Not Today"s audio artwork killed me because of my Trypophobia, someone help, it's 2:00 am (Blurryface album))

I woke up to the sound of birds singing outside my window and the sun shining through, engulfing my room and hitting me in the face. I groaned and buried my face even further into the pillow. I sighed when I was comfy but that was quickly ended by my alarm going off beside my head.

I yelled out in frustration and sat up to swipe the screen to make it stop before I set it for tomorrow. I yawned. Great. Another day to look forward to. Hear my sarcasm?

Just shut up.

I grabbed clothes from my closet and went to go take a shower. I started to hum a song quietly to myself but I wasn't sure what it was or where it came from. I've never heard it before until it get louder and I realized what it was.

My name's Blurryface and I care what you think....

"Can you just leave me alone?" I asked aloud, washing the shampoo out of my hair.

No, besides, you can't tell me what to do.

"But I can for sure tell you where to go,"

I'm stronger than you, don't forget that.

I then got a sudden sharp pain on the side of my head. I stopped rinsing my hair and I winced in pain instead, "Okay, okay! Stop!"

That's what I thought.

The pain subsided and I scowled as I turned off the water before drying off, applying deodorant, cologne, and slipped on my clothes. Not really slipped on since it was a pair of black skinny jeans, but you know what I mean. I threw on a burgundy tee and my black vans before grabbing my wallet and keys and locking the door to my apartment. I was silently arguing with him as we headed down to my car.

I don't eat breakfast all the time, which I know is bad, blah blah blah, but I only eat if I have to. I drove to the instrument store and walked inside where I was met with my boss.

"Hey Tyler, you're early today," he said after coming around the front desk. I glanced up at the clock and saw I was in fact early, the store hadn't officially opened for the day yet, maybe in less than a half hour.

"Yup," I nodded and popped the "P" like I knew I was early when I really didn't.

"Well if you don't mind taking over the store for a little bit, I'd be happy if you did. I have an appointment and I need someone responsible to be here while I'm gone,"

"Yeah, I can do that,"

"Okay, thank you so much. Well, I've got to go, see you later,"

"Bye," I said with a small wave before he walked out the door, causing the bell to go off, and made his way over to his car. I watched him pull away and leave while I sat there. I eventually got really bored listening to Blurryface ramble on about nothing.

Shut up.

"Dipcrap," I mumbled as I rested my elbows on the counter and listened to the music in the background play. Blurryface started to laugh.

"Dipcrap"? That's the best you've got?

I shook my head to make him leave but of coarse, he stuck around. I walked around the store for a while and looked at every instrument until I came upon the pianos. For some reason, I'm always drawn to this section of the store, like it was made for me. I sat down at the big, shiny, black, grand piano before tapping on a few of the ivory keys. I sighed and closed my eyes before I started to let my hands take over. The sound was amazing as it traveled all around and surrounded me and all my surroundings. I felt like I was back in my own little world.

I continued to play, letting my hands go where they wanted to until I decided the song was over. I didn't even know what song I was playing or if it was even a song yet. I opened my eyes and stopped immediately. It was like a different person took over.

Tell me about it...

"You're really good at playing the piano," a voice said from behind me that made me jump. I turned around and saw a guy standing there, leaning slightly against a shelf. How long was he standing there? I didn't even hear the bell from the door. But this wasn't just any guy. This guy was hot.

Maybe I'm exaggerating. He smiled at me, causing dimples to form on both sides of his cheeks and his eyes to squint a little. Nope, I'm not exaggerating. He is hot.

You don't even know him.

"I'm Josh," he spoke again, walking a little closer and this time holding out his right hand for me to shake. I looked down at it then back up at him. His smile slowly faded away and he put his hand back down by his side awkwardly. He started to scratch the back of his neck.

"I-I'm Tyler," I spoke up quietly. I can't believe I just did that. He looked up from his feet and flashed a quick smile before pointing to the other side of the store. I nodded and I could feel my face get hot as I followed him.

Don't get your hopes up.

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