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The bell for lunch went and Mark sat next to his new friend. They where eating when, "Wacha doing losers." The school bully Felix said "look what I have" he said showing them a blue and white glove. "My father got it for me because he's rich, not like you tramps." "Go away Felix." "Oh why, you a coward?" Mark stood up "come on Jack, let's go." "Aww, how sweet you and you boyfriend run along then" Felix said smirking. Mark went to punch him but he stopped him "oh no, don't be mean, play nice." Felix laughed and curled his hand into a fist.
Time skip
"H-how long was I asleep" "three hours." "Oh my God, Felix! I'm gonna kill him!" "No Mark you rest how about some video games? I need to go, I'm late for something." With that Jack left. Mark got out his games and chose one.
(A/n: try and read this. $$_$_4i&&¡|^]°°]®^°am°©\|]|[[|]€^<|a<[%¡®|[[]]<<| ']|^] '®^°°|\|[|bro)5):_
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