Chapter Two

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 Why did it seem that everything only ever went wrong for Grace? Not only was she abandoned as a baby by her own parents, but when she was ten her only friend died in a terrible car accident, and speaking of car accidents she could have sworn they were about to have one at how this god awful man drove.

He was speeding way over double, more than what she was speeding and this confused her because why would he pull her over for speeding if he was just going to do it himself?

It was totally not fair.

"Hey!" She said banging on the glass of his police car that divided the two of them, "I really do not feel like dying today. Could you please slow down?"

He said nothing, completely ignoring her as he pressed down on the gas pedal even more.

Grace was about to lose her shit when they went flying around a curve. She could have sworn the wheels on her side went off the ground for a moment.

She could see him in the rearview mirror. His face was expressionless but his knuckles were turning white from holding the steering wheel so tightly. Not only that but his veins were starting to appear on his strong muscled arms.

"Hey," she said again, banging on the glass once more, "Officer ass hole, could you please slow down before I-"

Her stomach flipped and was turning like slow churned ice cream, except the result would not be so sweet.

And just like that, she puked all over the backseat.

The officer slammed on his brakes then, being drawn back to reality as he realized what had happened.

"Oh, now you stop!" She exclaimed loudly.

The officer turned around and frowned at her puke covered clothes. He seemed to be in an eternal argument as his face turned from that of worry and rage. She was afraid she had caused the rage but pushed the thought away in fear that she would only make him even angrier.

And when his face finally contorted into that of mere worry, he opened his door and got out.

Grace tried opening her door to get out but the child safety locks were on. She cursed as she watched the weird man begin to walk away.

She must have waited there cursing for ten minutes before he came back out of the woods that surrounded the car with a young woman that looked to be a few years older than her eighteen-year-old self.

The officer opened the door and pulled Grace out, undoing the handcuffs and directing her in the direction of a large house that she finally could see beyond the trees. It was a large craftsman styled house, made of wood and shingles that blended nicely into the wooded area.

Together they all walked, well, kind of. The officer had a tight grip on Grace's wrist and was pulling her down the cleared path.

The woman that was with them just stared at Grace in awe. She would not stop looking at her with bewildered shock to the point that Grace felt truly at unease.

"Is this jail?" Grace finally asked, "Wait," she said again, "Why are we not going to the police station?"

The man turned back at her and smirked, his lips turning into a childish grin that suggested he knew a secret that she did not know. This frustrated Grace and she abruptly yanked her arm out of his grasp.

"Oh heck no," she yelled at him, "You are not going to kidnap me!"

Grace had heard of stories of 'bad cops' but never really believed them until now.

And that was when the man's smirk widened even more, "I am not kidnapping you," his tone was serious, "I am claiming you."

After those words left his mouth Grace panicked. And with panic, she bolted into the woods, running as far away from him as possible.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2016 ⏰

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