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Isabelle Scott hasn't had the greatest life: Her mother died when she was young; her neglectful father has moved her around the country constantly since she was seven-years-old; and for years, she's forgotten major details and significant chunks of time.

For the first time in her life, however, things have begun to look up. Her father had finally agreed to quit with the constant moving so she could have a normal Senior year in high school, and almost immediately after the school year started, she began to make friends fast and even edged towards getting a boyfriend. And even her memory blackouts seemed to come to screeching halt. 

But of course, it was all too good to be true.

Only three months after the move, Isabelle starts to have intense dreams filled with fire that feel far too real. She comes home from her school prom one night and learns that her father is missing, and the only lead she has on what happened comes from a childhood friend she hasn't spoken to in years who just shows up on her doorstep, claiming to have all the answers. Isabelle feels she has no choice but to trust him--her father is all she has left--and her friend quickly becomes the key to a past that was hidden from her, and leads her to a future that she could never have imagined in her wildest dreams, even ones crackling with flame.



The moral right of the author has been asserted. All rights reserved. This story is published subject to the condition that it shall not be reproduced or retransmitted in whole or in part, in any manner, without the written consent of the copyright holder, and any infringement of this is a violation of copyright law.


This book has been in the drafting and revision stage for almost four years now, and it is with pride and happiness that I present the polished revision of it to the website where it first came to life. 

Given that this book has taken so long for me to write, I most definitely will not be happy with the idea of somebody copying it, selling it, translating it, or whatever else without my permission. Be aware that if you do, I will find you and I will kil- report you. Maybe sue you. Who knows. Do you really want to find out? 

As you read, please keep in mind that I am by no means perfect, and so it only makes sense that this book will have its imperfections. I am open to constructive criticism always, but anyone who tries to bully me in any way, shape, or form will be blocked. 

The first chapter will be uploaded as soon as possible, and I hope the synopsis has attracted you enough that you will add this to your reading list or follow me for updates!

Keep Calm and Read On. ♔

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