A message to the signs

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Aries: Stop acting like you're the only one struggling. You're not.

Taurus: Stop bullying. You know you do it.

Gemini: Stop being mean, you act so mean even though I know you don't mean it

Cancer: Stop acting original. I already saw that on tumblr

Leo: Stop acting like the center of attention. You know what I mean

Virgo: Stop correcting people. That's all. You're pretty nice.

Libra: Stop thinking your amazing at EVERY. SINGLE. THING.

Scorpio: Stop acting like its you vs everyone else

Sagittarius: Stop taking things to far

Capricorn: Stop acting like someone your not. Just tell them what's wrong

Aquarius: Stop acting okay. But I like to ignore my problems

Pisces: Stop letting it get to your head

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