The signs in an amusement park

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Aries: pushing through crowds and cutting lines, cause no chill

Taurus: tries to take food on a ride but ends up dropping it, then buys more

Gemini: probably on tumblr or Ifunny the whole time

Cancer: ends up losing everyone and calls them 20 times

Leo: most likely bought everyone's way then ran off with their significant other or best friend, probably with Aquarius and Pisces

Virgo: Plans out the whole day and makes a schedule but ends up following Capricorn

Libra: probably flirting with the employees to get on rides free

Scorpio: Tags along with Aquarius and Pisces. Always scowling at Pisces(having a resting bitch face sucks)

Sagittarius: with Aries the whole time and laughs instead of screaming on rides ( Also probably glancing at Aries constantly and smiling because otp)

Capricorn: follows Virgo around, complains the entire time

Aquarius: When Pisces doesn't win a prize, Aquarius does it for them and gives them the prize

Pisces: enjoying every little moment they are spending with Aquarius

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