I feel so good!!

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Chapter 6


It's 8 and I'm super tired so, I go to my room and Olay in my bed ,with my droopy eyes I don't even notice that Jason was in the bed with me but when I notice he wraps his arm around means I face towards him and he puts his hand on my waist. He kisses my for head and I feel more secure in his arms. "Goodnight sweetheart." He said looking at me, when I looked at him the hair on my neck stood up, like electricity between us.

When It was morning, I was nudged lightly, when I opened my eyes I saw Jason carrying a tray. He set it down as soon as I sat up, then he walked around the bed and lies next to me. Damn eggs, bacon, toast, hash browns, now this is what I call breakfast in bed. I begin with the eggs then the bacon then the toast, it was delicious. Then the hash browns "Jasooooon." I smiled cutely at him "Yes honey?" He holds my hand gently. "If this is normal, can you get the ketchup and salt? It's better like that." He nods and steps out of the room to get them. He comes back with the ketchup and salt and when he hands them to me I mix up the ketchup on the hashbrowns and add a bit of salt. I eat them and set the tray on the bedside stand and when I look back, Jason was hovering over me..

He kisses me gently and passionately with his hands on my waist.


I am sure I'm not gonna go to far with Angel UNTIL we actually are married


It's freezing outside so I go to knock on the door. Jason opens the door and sighs "What do you want Blake" He questions me. "Do you mind if I stay here for a night?" I plead. "Fine but don't do anything stupid while I'm at work tomorrow, got it?" He taps his foot. I nod and walk in. I go upstairs and grab my suitcases but I see Angel and my face turns beet red. I walk to her I CAN'T CONTROL MYSELF!! I go to her and hit her in the gut as she spits up blood just a little bit. I grab a tissue and put alcohol on it and cover her mouth with it until she passes out, I beat the shit out of her not knowing there was video cameras.

After walking out Jason called my name and I walked downstairs, he grabs his laptop "Wanna watch some footage from today?" He smiles and I shake my head "Were going to anyways." Idiot. He plays the footage from Angels room and watches what I do... His face beet red. He grabs his phone and calls 911 and reports me. The cops come to arrest me for criminal charges.


I'll update later, promise ❤

Forced to marry him..Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon