C H A P T E R 3 4

Start from the beginning

"Sounds like you had fun." She laughs. Just as I finish my story, Coach blows his whistle signifying the end of practice and MK and I leave the stands to meet the boys outside the locker rooms.

"So how did it go?" Noah asks as he exits the changing room. He has switched out of his sports gear and into a white t-shirt and jeans. He is shortly followed by Ryan, who's damps hair drips down the back of his neck onto the collar of his own maroon t-shirt, which he is wearing with a pair of light washed jeans. I can smell Lynx so I guess both boys showered after practice and I am glad because otherwise they will stink up the car.

"What are we talking about?" Ryan asks as he joins us.

"Maya's date." Noah answers. "I was just asking her how it went."

"Was that today?" Ryan questions.

"Yes and I'm not talking about this with either of you." I laugh.

"Oh, come on Maya."
Noah complains. "We're your friends right?"

"Yes, you are but I'm still not talking to you about my 'love life'." I laugh again as we gather up our school stuff and walk as a group towards the car park. Ryan and I dump our bags into the deck of the ute and he hooks the dog chain through the lops to keep them on.

"So how was practice?" I ask the boys, changing the subject.

"It sucked." Noah answers miserably, leaning back against the side of his car which is parked next to the Hudson's truck.

"At least you didn't have to watch the whole thing from the sidelines." MK says, rolling her eyes.

"Yeah I guess that would have been worse." He agrees. "I'll leave the watching to you. Thanks for sticking around by the way, unlike some people." He looks at me pointedly.

"Still not talking about it Noah." He grumbles something illegible under his breath as I continue, "I'll watch the game on Saturday and I'll come to practice next week. I promise." Noah does not look satisfied but raises his chin definitively.

"We should hit the road, Mum will have dinner ready soon." Ryan speaks up, glancing at the leather watch on his wrist. I pull my phone out of my pocket and check the time myself, 5:42. Dinner is usually on the table by six and it will take us at least twenty minutes to get home.

Home. It is weird how quickly this place has become home to me. How soon these people have become like a second family. It still scares me a little bit. As if I have replaced my mother and sister, as if I have forgotten them. But if I am honest, I think mum would be happy that I am safe with the people she trusted and Emmy would just be jealous that she is not here. Lord knows she would have a field day with all these cute country boys.

We say goodbye to Noah and MK, who are driving their own cars home, and load ourselves into the ute.


"Okay Miss Maya, what do you want?" Marcia asks curiously.

"What are you talking about?"

"You came home and set the table for dinner, then you washed all the dishes and now you cleaning the entire kitchen. My guess is you're trying to get on my good side for something." She explains. "Come one then, out with it."

"Okay, so there's this guy," I begin. "And he took me on a date after school today and then he asked me if I wanted to go through a party with him on Friday night."


"And I said I wanted the go with him but I had to ask you first. So, please Marcia?" I plead, my hands clasped in front of me.

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