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[ this is a vv controversial topic that i have mixed feelings on. please note that i do not intend to offend anyone at all! ]

This rant doesn't apply to JUST the DC Fandom, but to all fandoms in general. But because this book is 'DC RANTS', I shall talk about just this fandom in particular.


I first got into the whole superhero/villain thing at around 6. I didn't know what Marvel or DC was, but I knew about Batman, the Justice League, Spiderman, Superman, and the other well-known ones from watching cartoons, films, and etc. Like every kid, the concept of superpowers was AMAZING to me.

So flash forward around 3 years, my oldest brother become DC obsessed. He got all these batman shirts, video games, movies, and all the merchandise. I was a bit of a copy cat at the time and wanted everything he had. And eventually, I got sucked into it too.

I watched all the cartoons and films but never actually touched a comic until I was around 12-13 years old.

The first comic that I remember reading was  Saga of the Swamp Thing (2009), and from there, I just hit it off. My brother had a ton, but wouldn't let me read them. (Till this day he still doesn't. Understandably.)

Since I had no money, I had to go to library and survive on the limited stuff they had. It sucked, but at least they had a few issues of stuff like Batman and Robin and The Birds Of Prey.

And now here we are! I mostly use the internet to read comics,  netflix to watch the shows, and wattpad to read the fan fiction.

Now would you consider me to be a 'real dc fan'?

First, we must understand what a fan is!

definition: a person who has an interest in or admiration for a particular person or thing.
eg: "football fans"

Simple enough, right?

PLEASE UNDERSTAND! You don't have to read the comics to be a real fan.
You don't have to watch the movies to be a real fan.

In fact, 'real' isn't even necessary, like just 'fan' should be enough. Jesus.

You have an interest in dc?
You admire dc?
You like dc?
Congratulations! You're a fan.

You don't have to read a certain comic to be classified as a fan. You don't have to watch the dark knight trilogy to be a fan. You don't have to play Lego batman to be a fan.

Now is the part I contradict myself. Sort of.

What kinda irks me is that some people really only recently started to like DC because of all the hype from the new movies, tv shows, and etc. ( basically hopping on the bandwagon. )
I mean, yes, it completely makes sense that you would want to get into the fandom now that everyone does.
It's like wanting to read The Raven Cycle because everyone else does and you wanna be part of that 'everyone' & not because you are actually interested in it.

But if you actually, truly like dc, not just because everyone else does, then welcome friend.
We have nice things like Donna Troy, Cassandra Cain, Dick Grayson's ass, and Jason Todd's ginger pubes.

— OLIVIA ( ursaes )

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