The meeting

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It was a sunny day in the small town of Appleoosa ,every pony is working most of the Stallions are working in the fields bucking apples and the Mares are doing what any other mare well do, cleaning their homes, cooking for their family, and taking care of their foals. But their was one stallion that work harder then the others and that pony's name was Braeburn.

Braeburn was a hard worker, he bucked apples for the town he was born in and the town that every pony hated him
No pony talk to him, they only give him a mean look every time when every pony see's him, most of the time a mare or stallion would yell out "Coltcuddler" at him and every pony in town would stare at him, an that doesn't make him feel so hat and he well put his head down an walk through town while every pony is look at him. Braeburn was a Coltcuddler but he never had a Coltfriend, but he didn't like it, when he was a colt he was told stallion only loves mare. Every time young fillys and colts well run away from him when they see him, he sadly look down an thought" their parents may have told them to stay far away from me". Braeburn was on his way to the apple tree acres for work like he alway do.
***5 Hours later***

Breaburn was almost done he put a bucket of Apple on his back, until he heard a voice, he thought it was notting maybe, until he look up saw a Pegasus flying down really fast, the Pegasus yell" LOOK OUT" an "what the buck" Braeburn said to him myself while looking at the fast fly Pegasus heading to him and then !!!BAM!!!. Braeburn felt him self on the ground and he could feel some pony on top of him and his forehead was in pain, he slowly opens his eye and in shock see a stallion Pegasus wearing a costume, with a wind-blown style mane and his mane color was navy blue and light green eye and his coat color was a pale blue, but then Braeburn notice that the Pegasus was blushing which made him blush as well, then Braeburn push the Pegasus away from him so he couldn't see him blush.
Braeburn said"wh..wh...who are you ",
The blushing Pegasus said" my name is Soarin, from the Wonderblots maybe you heard of he" the Pegasus smiling at the Earth pony.
"Womder...blots ?, what the heck is"Braeburn said in a confused and angry tone, while dusting him self off and standing up on his hooves
"Hmmmmmm"Soarin said thing about what has happen and look around he thought in his head and look at the earth pony.
"Well..My name is Braeburn, and now I have pick up all my apples that you made me drop and you are going to help me"Braeburn said
"I know"Soarin said sadly
So Soarin was helping Braeburn pick up all the he drop. Soarin thought about Braeburn he like kinda cute..for a stallion, but he can see Braeburn be mistaken for a mare from be hide. Just the Braeburn shake his tail to get the dust off of it , but at second Soarin can see Braeburn butt. Soarin blushed
"Sweet Celestia, dat ass"Soarin said quietly still blushing
Braeburn ears went up an turned his head around questing what he thought he heard and look at Soarin .
"What did you just say, Soarin"Braeburn said blushing at was he said or not
Just as Soarin was about to answer him, until the both heard some pony shouting
"Hey Pegasus, stay away from that Coltcuddler"The stallion shouting said
"What"Soarin "said in shock looking at Braeburn
"I'm ..n...n....not a colt cud.."Braeburn mumbled, but ran away before he could finish, not knowing his cowboy hat fall off
" you better be running, damm coltcudder"The stallion shouted
"Wait, Braeburn" Soarin call out, but it was too late Braeburn was far gone
Soarin looked at the ground and saw Braeburn's hat rolling to him. Soarin picked Braeburn's hat and look at it and flew up and headed to town for Braeburn.

NOTE: This is not the end, I will write the next part on 8/8/16
Because I have to plan and write it and edit

Soarburn: love story Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon