I see my senpai again!: 2nd rivel

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"It's been a week since I saw him! Today I am going to see him at school today!" When I finally finished putting up my hair
I skipped and ran to school. When I was walking I saw my senpai! He was walking with my worst enemy, Madoka! "I will save my senpai from the devil which is walking with him!"I yelled in my head. When I got to school Madoka and my senpai separated. Before I went to class I wrote a note to Madoka to meet me in the roof after school.

Time skip to lunch:

I followed my senpai to the roof were he ate his homemade lunch. When he wasn't looking I took pictures of him. I thought for a moment I could make a shrine of pictures of him!" So I kept snapping pictures when he was not looking.

After school:

I ran up the stairs because I was almost late meeting Madoka. When I was running up the stairs I found some gloves. I took them just in case of I needed it. Before I got there I put them on. She was leaning against the fence. Then I got an idea!" I could push her of the rooftop. I would be a win, win. She won't be around my senpai and she won't be a new session to me anymore!" I tiptoed towards her. When I was towards her, I pushed her of the building and took her shoes. Her annoying little scream ended in 7 seconds. I started to laugh hysterically like the last time.

I thought for a second, " should I dispose of the body? NAH! She doesn't have my DNA on her clothes and the police will think she cumited suicide! So I ran out the building before my senpai left (BTW he is in a news paper club). I was following him till he got home. " I KNOW WHERE MY SENPAI LIVES! "I yelled in my head. After that I ran home happily!

Sorry for a the short chapter I will make it a longer chapter next time. Comment on what should I do for the next chapter. Also follow me on wattpad at animeislife17XD . Bie

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