The Adventures of Chase and Diana

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"FBI Beta, you guys ready?" yelled the chief.

"YES SIR!" replied the team.

"ARE YOU READY BOYS?" The Cheif asked again

"WE ARE READY SIR!!!" The team replied in unison, louder then before.

"Team alpha has been wiped out, just like the entire village. Only 2 officers escaped. We need them out and safe soon, they have important information to give us. But get them out alive. THey have survived there for so long, they will be our minefield of information. Roger that?" 

"Roger sir!" Cried the soldiers once again and loaded themselfves into the helicopter.

THey would bring back the survivors and find out what was it that was wiping enitre villages.

"Run Diana, come on babe. Faster!! RUNN!!" Chase yelled as he dragged her through the thick dark forset, jumping over the undergrowth and escaping errant branches while keeping an eye out for those damn creatures following them.

They were inhuman, thought CHase and cursed have a woman partner. Her slow speed would get them both killed, or worst, eaten alive. Why, oh Why had he agreed with Chief? Why had he agreed to have a female partner?

"CHAAASEEE RUN, they are right after us, go, save yorself please," Diana yelled as she tripped over a thick root and fell down, hard on the forest floor.

"I can't run, please goo.." She whispered, fear laced her voice for perhaps the first time in this entire mission. Through out it all she had been strong, but now, in the face of certain death, she felt vulnerable and scared, it showed.

"NOO !I am not leaving you here, you are the only person left. COme on babe, get up, you can do it." Chase yelled as he turned back and knelt, pulling her upwards, towards him. 

A stray branch twig cut into her leg as he pulled her up and she yelled out in pain. "AAAAAHHHHH""

"hush DI. If they hear us, we are most certainly dead." Chase soothed and held her close.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2011 ⏰

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