Telling my dad and love about my true self

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"Are you ok sweetspark," Crosshairs asked looking at me. Then I realized that I was fiddling with my shirt and real skittish attitude. Then a wave of pain hit me.

"Ya. Why do you ask?" I said trying to hide my pain by smiling but you could still hear the pain in my voice.

"No you are not you are hurting I can hear the pain in your voice sweetspark please tell me what you have been hiding from me your boyfriend," he asked sounding hurt. When he realized I started transforming he said. "You look beautiful why were you hiding this from me lovely."
"I thought..." I started but broke down in tears.

"You thought that I wouldn't still love you the same," he asked and I nodded in his chest and he put a degit under my chin and lifted my head then kissed me when this happened I deepened the kiss and he pushed me against the barn then Will and Sarrah came out of the house to see me and Crosshairs in a full make out session. Will looked at us and cleared his throat and we stopped and blushed then stepped away from the barn.

"Sorry sir," we said as I looked at my real dad. "Sorry daddy" I said to my dad Ironhide who walk up and acted like he was going to just murder him right there but I stepped in front of Crosshais. "Daddy don't hurt him I love him with all my spark," I said waiting for a lecture about me being to young to be in love with him but it did not come all that came was a smile on his faceplate.

I'm glad you found found a sparkmate that has gained my trust youngling just remember that if he hurts you I will shuve a cannon up his aft and cut off his interfacing spikes and do the same thing with that you hear me young mech," dad said giving us a hug and walking away where I am standing looking shocked and can't believe that just happened and I turned and kissed Crosshairs again and when I herd the sound proof barn door open for us we kept kissing but we walked in to the barn and became sparkmates.
------------------------------------2hours later😍😎😉--------------------------------------
We put back on our plates Cross touched a sensitive spot and I purred and shivered with one sexy chuckle he did the same thing again and I smacked his aft and walked out and went to base.

Love at first sight (Crosshairs X OC love story)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant