"Well, that was weird." Sasha said.

Jeremy laughed nervously.

"Look, I appreciate the gesture, so much that I'll wear it."

"For real?" He said, handing her the stuff. This time he was careful their skin didn't make contact.

She nodded, wearing the eye patch and bandana. She tossed him her scarf and sunglasses, which he put in the bag.

"Okay, let's do this!" She said jumping up.

Jeremy showed her how to kick the ball and they spent a few minutes kicking back and forth.

"Why do people enjoy this game?" She asked as she gave the ball a firm kick.

"It's one thing to kick the ball when you trap it and send it back. It's another to just kick immediately without set-up. And then it's another thing to do all that while moving."

She hummed as they moved to the next level. She proved surprisingly good at it. "You're wasting my skills here Jerry. Next level!"

"Don't call me, Jerry!" He replied, sending the ball to her with a hard kick. She slowed it down with her chest and started to jog the ball, keeping it off the ground.
"I thought you said you couldn't play soccer !" He said, in surprise.

"I can't! These are tricks! I'm sure I'm useless on the pitch."

"So where'd you learn the tricks?"

"Solomon. My little brother."

"The one you tripped this morning?"

She put her finger to her lips in a shushing manner.

"So can you do other tricks?" He asked.

She nodded, frowning in concentration. She have the ball a sharp flick, so it flew over her, then caught it on the crook of her knee.

"Shit, you're probably better than me at this stuff." Jeremy said.

She shrugged.

Soon it became a full blown tackling and dribbling match. Jeremy was okay at keeping the ball in control on the ground. He could dribble circles around Sasha. She was right when she said she couldn't play.
Her dribbles were weak and could be anticipated from a mile off. She usually lost control of either the ball or her legs when she really got into it.

"Gosh, you're horrible!" He said, after unsuccessfully trying to educate her on the art of dribbling.

They were lying on the soft grass, panting and exhausted from the game.

She chucked some grass at his face.

He spat out the ones that entered his mouth and threw some at her too. Her bandana protected her and she knew it.
"So what was that question you wanted to ask that time?" Sasha asked. She was surprised to find that her heart began to pound heavily as she waited for his reply.

He took a huge breath. "Will you be my girlfriend?"

Sasha was so shocked, she sat up. He sat up too, looking at her warily.

"What? Why?" Her green eye was wide with shock.

"I really like you. No seriously I do." The words felt like blocks of wood dropping out of his mouth.

He hated lying to her. Hated taking advantage of her like that.

"Girlfriend to Jeremy Cox. Well, isn't that a well envied post? All the pretty girls at school would kill to date you and yet you come after the ugliest duckling in the pond. Does this sound a bit cliché to you too?" Her voice was like acid.

Sasha got up quickly.


"So I have no idea why you picked me to play your sad games with but let me just say this once. I am not that girl. I will not throw myself at you when I know for sure that you don't like me. So don't bother. And if this is why-" Her voice broke.
Her green eye swam with unshed tears.
"And if this is why you've been hanging out with me this past week, pretending to be my friend, then you've just wasted an entire week of your life. Good bye."

"Sasha!" He called out as she ran to the bench and freed Malory.

He stood up and tried to come after her, but Malory growled and stood between the two of them.

"Please, I wasn't pretending to be your friend!"
He fingers twiddled with the hem of her shorts, her shirt and themselves as she struggled to stop the tears pouring down her face, soaking the bandana.

"Yeah... Come on Malory, we are going home."
She pulled the growling dog away from him and jogged away.

"You don't even know the way back!"

"I'll find it! Now leave me the fuck alone!" She yelled. People turned to look at them.
He slowed to a stop as she ran down the sidewalk, dog leading the way.

Oh shit.

So what do you think? Tell me all about it in the comment section. This story is coming along faster than I anticipated. I'm yet to find a good ship for Sasha and Jeremy. Saremy? Jesha? That is If you don't think he's a total jerk face.
Vote and comment people. Then share if you want to. I'm just pleased that you're reading my book. Nice day.

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