#Chapter 2

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Allen and Howard walked at the corridor. Allen was just silent. "Is something bothering you?", Howard asked. "A lot", Allen answered. They went at the kitchen and saw the lively excorsist having some battles with the food. Allen joined them and ate whatever is there. The white haired guy entered and bumped on Howard. "General. How have you been? I noticed you being more cautious this days", Howard bowed. "Raise your head Link", the General sighed. "I wanted to be called Shane Scarlet for now", the general smiled. Howard stepped back and nodded. Lenalee went near Shane and served some food. "You've been patrolling. I guess you're tired and hungry", Lenalee gave Shane some food. Lavi also joined the conversation. "So, you're also an exorcist. I heard that this headquarter is mostly the main place where the cardinals have their meeting", Lavi asked. "Uhm. The bookman. You sound suprised when you were telling me how you knew that this place was the meeting place for cardinals", Shane's head tilted.

Lenalee Lee's POV
The first time I saw Shane. I thought he really looks like Allen. Having him seen closer makes him look more feminine. His lips are thinner and more rosy. His skin is more soft looking and his shape is more of a girl. His always in loose clothing so the shape doesnt really form. He's young. I bet he's younger than Allen. "Lenalee? Is there something bothering you?", Lavi asked. "I just thought he's like Allen", I smiled and looked at Shane. He seems to be unmoved and just stabbed the chicken with his fork. There a lot of people we have to be familiar with in this place. Kanda had been glaring at Shane for a while. Maybe because he really seems to be like Allen.

After a while, Brother called Allen and Kanda to continue a mission. They were to catch a thief and see if he's with an innocence. Walking around the area, I saw Roverier inspecting the rooms and checking on the exorcist. Im a bit scared but Brother is with me now. Plus, I have the power to protect myself right now. I hid behind the post and saw Inspector Howard and Shane called by him. "Make sure to record everything you've been hearing from him. General, I dont expect you to fight. Its a great honor to have you by our side", Roverier bowed. Wow. Thats some respect he has for Shane. If I recall, I never heard of a General named that way. Is he new or is that a name?

End of POV
They ended up at Hearst Orphanage. Allen was looking down the way. "Is he dead?", Shane asked. "It cant be. Master isnt that weak", Allen answered. "Then dont think too much. As long as you have faith that he's alive is enough", Shane looked at the sky. "My name is Allen Walker...you are?", Allen asked as he raise his left hand for a shake. Shane took his right hand and shook it. "Name... Shane Scarlet", Shane introduced still holding Allen's hand. "Dont be offended. I have my own reasons. Its not that I'm disgusted by your left hand or what", Shane explained. Still it gave a pang to Allen's heart. Kanda smirked. "What are you smilling for?!!", Allen pouted. Shane lets go and they arrived at the orphanage house.

A blue-haired kid was sent flying to them. It was Timothy, the one who was suspected to own an innocence. They saw a blue gem on his forehead and it was confirmed. Shane stayed outside and waited. The rest entered and was trapped by skulls. The inner house was sealed outside. Some Akumas started to show up. Allen and the rest are being pushed back by some Level 3's and one level 4. Shane waited outside and felt something was weird. He tried to open the door but it was sealed. "Those weaklings might be dying. Should I stay and wait or charge?", Shane sighed. She sat at the entrance. After a while, some men in Crow uniform came. They had their face covered. Reever was also with them, the head of Science division. "Director. The exorcist are still inside. Shall we go and fetch them?", Shane asked. Reever faced palmed and ordered the tow Crow to enter the sealed orphanage house. After a while, they all came back safe. Some of the children have some minor wounds. Shane accompanied them at the hospital.

Allen and the rest came to visit Timoty to accompany him at the Order. He was crying with the Orphange house owner. Allen was watching them. "She was also like Mana", Allen opened. "So rare for you to talk about Mana", Howard said. Allen just laughed. Shane met him at the terrace. He averted his eyes and looked at Timothy. "He's too young to be in a battle. Why dont we just remove the innocence from him?", Shane asked. "I know he's young but this is the path he chose for himself. We cannot force things on him", Allen said. "Why are you so persistent?", Shane sighed. "You remind me of a familiar voice. A voice that was the last thing I heard before Master vanished", Allen noticed. "You're one of the crow. Arent you?", Allen asked. Howard cleared his throat and it silenced Allen. The existence of Crows arent to be spoken in public. Just like the second exorcist, Crows are special unit for the Order.

"Allen, you're attitude and that principles you have will someday kill you", Shane said then turned his back on him. "Howard, lets go", Shane instructed. "Yes, General", Howard slipped his tongue. Some small daggers passed through him. "General? You're a General in that young age?" Allen said in amazement. "That was just a title", Shane explained. Howard sighed and proceeded to follow Shane.

Author's Note

Having hard time to write in this new phone.

Good evening

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