Chapter 11

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After some time the two gangs meet at the port inside an abandoned warehouse. Rocki was there sitting down with a bottle of brandy. In his right was a beaten unconscious Robert Sevens, the officer from before, he was covered with his own blood and tied up with a rope while sitting down.

Rei enter together with Andy, his wearing a coat without neck tie on, he glance at the beaten man.

"Who's that? Your new pet?"

"Ahh, allow me to introduced Senior Officer Sevens from the South District Police Station. "

He sat in front of him uninterested, although he heard that place earlier that night.

"So, why do you want to see me so eagerly?"

Rocki put a photographed in the table, it's Xasha wearing her waitress uniform. He paused and just look at the picture, too lucky for them that even he can't get a picture of her.

"Now tell me, did you already do it with her? Or your also acting together with her to Arrest me?"

He was puzzled, don't know what he was talking about.

"Can you speak in English, I don't get what your saying."

Rocki got flustered and get a gun to point it in Rei's face, guards we're also alert, and pointed guns at each other. Rei just stay cool and calm.

"Damn you! Since when did you become so cooperative with the police! No one can't frame me up! And even if it's you! I will certainly kill and make you ashes!"

"I said talk clearly bastard."

Rocki become impatient, he points at Robert Sevens.

"You piece of shit! You we're giving me tip off but you slip a very vital information about the police under covering the bar!"

He was frightened.

"I, I didn't know, their operations we're confidential, please spare me!"

Rei become interested now.

"What are you two losers talking about?"

Rocki then realize that his premonition was wrong, Rei Akira don't know anything.

"Fuck! That girlfriend of yours is a cop, a fucking police officer!"

Rei was speechless as if absorbing what he's hearing.

The station got busy when they heard a radio about a boatman who saw some thugs in a deserted port, who claims to have been a gang war.

"Men! Move! this must be it! They might plan for exchange of merchandise!"

Chris go along with them.

Rei sigh for a bit, then take the photo and burn it with a lighter. Rocki smile horribly.

"Woah, your evil aura is coming out, told you, you should have given her to me, I can't believe a cop betrayed and use you, the mighty Rei Akira, hahaha."

When the picture was totally burn, he push something in his pocket.

"Now tell me, what's the reason for calling me here? Aside from the cop thing."


Rocki as expected just nod, no one will distract Akira as always, not a woman and not a cop.

"I just want to stop this ruckus, we always fight when we see each other, beside I'm also giving you a warning. Don't pry on my drug business Rei, I'm warning you.''

"And why would I pry with that? Isn't that the reason you kill Ramirez?"

"Hahaha Ramirez is a piece of shit, he just drunk some sedative then i make it appear that he was overdosed."

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