Chapter 3

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She saw the paper as he flashed it in front, there written in a check the amount of 50,000. Is he paying her to sleep with him!

"Wait, are you paying m--"

"I hate ignorant girls with a wild exterior appearance, like yourself, it's irritating."

He must be talking about her get up since it's a disguise it's very much convincing that she don't even recognized herself. Kim is a very good transformer.

"Its not what you think it is, look, I don't want to hurt you so please stay away a little from me because I can't promise that I won't be able to hurt you."

He paused and chuckle a bit, his smile was good, no it was nice differ from his fierce eyes.

"You? Hurting me? When it happens, I will bite you."

He get nearer and nearer but it's already a wall in her back she can't move backward anymore so she get her fist ready to punch him, but his face came closer to hers.

"Don't! I said stop moving!"

"I'm already paying you, I never do prostitute before, celebrate cause your the first."


This guy may seem decent but it will be her problem if ever he did something out of the Bible to her when they are not yet married, wait why is she thinking about marriage all of a sudden. Its because he was the first one to talk so vulgar to her like this.

"Your paid, your mine."


Her spiritual being burst to the extreme of the teaches of the Lord.

"Excuse me, who are you calling yours? Each and every being made by the Lord as his own creation belonged to their own selves, you cannot own me through money or thing, I own my self and I don't need a co-owner."

He was just looking at her with disbelief, he maybe thinking how come a prostitute like her talk so confidently about the Lord and being a self-owner.

"You, are interestingly interesting."


The door opens and a blond hair man smoking cigarette smile at them.

"Sorry Boss, did I interrupt you?"

She saw some bright rays of hope to escape room so she yell suddenly.

"No! Definitely not!! No, never."

The man in front of him just shook his head and move away from her.


She breath heavily when the man go back at his seat in the center, this is her chance to go out but more men in black enter the room, about a dozen, they stand straight in front of the long haired man. While he was just sitting comfortably. She tried to walk Her feet to the door but she was intrigue with their conversation.

"Ramirez is still hard Boss, he won't talk whatever we do to him."

"Cut his fingers."

She stop when she hear those harsh words from him.

"He's still unconscious from the hazing, what do we cut first? Right or left?"

She was shocked by their way of talking no wonder, they must be a Mafia gang! Hell no, she was the only police inside a room of a dozen of thugs. She must conceal her identity very carefully, she sit down in the couch like an obedient puppy.

"The police on the district want some birthday gift."

Police? So there talking about a cop who accept bribes from them, she listen carefully.

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