The Bag Of Gummy Bears

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**Ten years later**

"Justin get back here," I yelled at him.

He ran down the stairs as Hunter walked in the house.

"Daddy!" Justin yelled hugging him.

I kissed Hunter quickly before earning and "ew" from Justin.

I laughed and looked down at my wedding ring.

I remember it all, from the proposal to the marriage.

He invited me to an amusement park and won me a stuffed bear, and then at the top of the Ferris wheel he proposed and when we got back to the bottom, everyone I knew, including my step father, Victoria, Hunters mom, My mom, dad, and Logan.

I was so nervous at the wedding that I couldn't concentrate on much and the best part of it was saying "I do" then kissing him so passionately. It was unlike any other kiss.

Once Hunter and I got our dream job of being lawyers, we were able to afford a small two bedroom home. Our life's were wonderful and suddenly got so much better when we found out I was pregnant with a baby boy. He's only eight now, but I know he'll be a wonderful brother to his sister that's currently in my tummy.

Unfortunately since I had Justin I decided to quit my job as a lawyer, it was too stressful with a child and being pregnant. I could never find time to spend with him or a reliable babysitter.

Now I stay at home and I love it.

I looked at the clock and noticed it was Justin's bed time.

"Bed time," I said.

He pouted but walked up the stairs.

Once I tucked him in, Hunter called me downstairs.

"I have a surprise," he says while hugging me.

He grabs something out of his sweater pocket.

He hands it to me and I look at it.

I felt a tear slide down.

On it is a sticky note.

"The first time we met".

Now guess what it was....

A bag of gummy bears.


Yes, yes I know, too rushed, but I had to end it. This book has been going on for too long and I thought this was a cute ending. also I'm too busy to work on this one, I'm working on two other books right now. anyway I Joel you liked it! tell me what you think!

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