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Author's note: Yes I know the very few people that are actually reading this want to see the proposal, so I'm purposely dragging this out. *maniacal giggling*

Number Nine felt the nerves build up faster than they were climbing levels in the elevator. John's lean frame casually tilted against the railing was not helping. The more Nine stared at John, the more he fell in love with him. And the more fear he had about losing him. Nine didn't want to screw this up.

The elevator dinged, and Nine couldn't breathe. To draw oxygen, he stole a kiss from John, breathing in deeply to console himself. Nothing was going to go wrong, Nine told himself. He loved John and John loved him back.

"Yes?" The man at the desk had a regal posture that somehow bothered Nine. It was too straight.

"Reservation for Stanley Worthington and John Kent?" Nine held in a snicker when John's Superman alias rolls off his tongue awkwardly. John fought to keep a stoic face.

"ID's please?" The guy held out his hand. The couple produced their fake ID's for the man. He observed them for a short moment, then seemed satisfied. "Follow me."

John gave an 'I told you so' look to Nine before they were seated. Nine scoffed and picked up the menu, pretending to be at ease while he hid his face from the world. John was quiet for a while, and Nine looked up from his personal menu cave. John had his forehead pressed against the glass, eyes half closed. His ocean blue depths were swirling in thought, and his lips were parted slightly. John sensed he was being watched and turned his head to face his boyfriend.

Nine had his chin rested in his hands, ebony irises drifting. "You don't have to stop," he whispered.

John parted from the window and imitated the black-haired boy by leaning his jaw on his palms. "I'm here for you, not the city." Nine leaned over and kissed him. A young heterosexual couple eyed the two boys with upper lips curled, but said nothing. John noticed them, and Nine flipped them off under the table. John cups his smile in his hands at this, groaning.

They are greeted with their waitress a few minutes later, and they each gave their orders. She marked them down. Then she leaned over and whispered, "By the way, we all think you two make a great couple. Everyone in the kitchen says hi."

John, although surprised, smiled warmly and replied. "Thank you."

"Of course." She beamed and returned to the kitchen.

After she had left Nine spoke. "Huh. Guess not everyone are dicks."

"I feel like we don't give humans enough credit."

"Oho! Ha! No, I think we give half of these idiots too much." Nine eyed the couple.

John punches him in the arm. "Dude, I'm serious. Look at Sam, or his dad, or-"

"Yeah, I know. I was kinda kidding. Fact is, you always get the good ones."

"What the hell does that mean?"

"Nothing." The two fell silent. Nine felt his heart beating out of his chest. Should he do it now? His pocket seemed to squirm, the contents aching to escape. No, he thought. He should wait until after they ate.

Ten minutes after their plates had cleared, Nine found himself biting his lip and shifting uncomfortably in his seat. John cleared his throat and set his forearms on the table.

"So, Nine-"

"Do you wanna get dessert?" Nine blurted out. He wondered how long he could procrastinate.

John raises his eyebrows questioningly. "I guess. If you want."

They ordered dessert, but the entire time, the taller boy poked his plate with his fork, appetite nonexistent. John watched him with confusion. The waitress stopped by to pick up their plates and the bill, and left them with one last warm smile. Nine was almost out of time, and excuses.

"Nine!" John's voice broke through his hazy thoughts. "Are you okay? You've been acting weird since we got here. Do you want to leave?"

"I'm fine. I mean- what? Yeah, yeah, let's uh... can we- can we go to the roof?"


Nine gave the most sincere pleading eyes as he could manage. "For old times' sake? Please?"

"Okay." Relief flooded Nine's insides. They stood up and went back to the elevator, and John stopped to pose a question to the man at the front desk. "Is there any chance this elevator goes to the roof?" he asks.

"Afraid not. You have to be a resident to be able to see the roof."

John pretended to look politely disappointed. "That's alright. Thank you." He joined Nine in the elevator on the way down.

"How are we going to get up there now?"

John squinted at Nine, disbelieving. "You kidding me? I can fly, idiot."

"Oh yeah." They arrived at the ground level, and John took Nine's large hand in his own. He lead him to an abandoned alley between two buildings and stopped, taking a deep breath. Nine focused on the feeling of John's hand; how it was comfortably warm, soft, and slender. How it fit in the creases of his own hand, pulling with strength to match his own.

"Ok, how do you want to do this?"

"Umm...I don't know... " Nine contemplated the different ways he could be carried up a building without looking stupid.

"Ugh, come on Nine, you'll be invisible." John ducked down and gripped Nine by the ankle, just as Nine had done to him earlier. Then he shot up into the air, switching them both invisible before they hit the open air. All the blood traveled to Nine's head as he was dragged through the sky upside down. He could hear the maniacal laugh of the blonde boy, and all Nine was able to do was yell.


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