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Dear James,

I never thought I'd see myself writing one of these again. But, I just wanted to say, I never stopped loving you. I still love Sirius. I love him a lot, but I still have a piece of my heart for you. But, you're dead now. It pains me to write those words, especially about you. I promise I'll take care of Harry. As if he's my son. Sirius was sent off to Azkaban today. He was charged for killing 13 people with one curse. I don't believe that though. I know it's not true. Now all I have left is Remus. Why'd you have to leave me? I love you James Potter, no doubt about it.

Goodbye for the last time.

With love,

Casey White, the girl who loved you since 3rd year

Casey looked down at the letter after reading it, Merlin knows how many times. The tear marks smudging the ink on the parchment.

She set the letter on top of James' grave. She stood up and turned to walk away. But the girl turned back.

"I love you, James."

She took a last look at his grave before walking away.

"And don't ever forget it." Were her last words before she apparated out of sight.

Letters To You (James Potter)Where stories live. Discover now