Chandelier Wi-Fi Spot

359 24 7

Kid: Why con't I get Wi-Fi?! I just want to catch the squirtle!

Mom: Wi-Fi? Have you tried the Chandelier Room? It has the best Wi-Fi in the house.

Kid: 0_0 No.... I am afraid that the chandelier will crush me....

Mom: Fine, if you don't want to go in there, then you can forget about catching that squirtle."

Kid: Fine! I'll go in there, the squirtle is in that room anyways...

*Walks into Chandelier room*

Kid: Darn, I need to get higher up...

*Looks at chandelier, then somehow gets up there. Catches Squirtle*

Kid: CRUD! I can't get down! Oh well, I get the chance to sing this...

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