Chapter 30. Put The Gun Down.

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"Wait, shoes on or off?" 

He rolled his eyes and pulled me in.

When you walk into the house two sets of stairs will lead you upstairs. A huge chandler was hanging from above. How did someone get it up there? To my left was the dinning room, and to my left was the living room. A black leather couch was facing the flat screen T-V. Another couch was facing it, but was at an angle. Two very expensive lamps were besides them.  Wow this is amazing! 

Heels clicked against the floor. A woman came in from the dinning room. Her walk was graceful. Her hair was up in a elegant bun. Not a hair out of place. She wore a black skirt, with a red blouse. It was like she was in a business suit. She stopped walking when she saw me.  Her heart rate was slow. So that means she not mad. That's a good sign, whoever she was. I sniffed. Werewolf, mixed with something else. It was probably nothing. I looked back at my mate to the girl. Hmm, maybe a relative? She doesn't look like Cole.  Still something was off about her. Its like I remember her from somewhere. I couldn't put my finger on it. 

She blinked, showing no emotion. "Oh, hello Colton deer. Who is this?" 

He put an arm around, my shoulder and smiled happily. "Her name is Emily Cullen. Emily meet my Step -mom Cassie. Mom meet my mate." 

She smiled and walked over to me. "Well hello Em- Wait did you just say mate?" He nodded. 

"Very nice to meet you Mrs. Cassie you have - " I smiled but was cut off by her.

"First off ,don't call me Mrs. Cassie. It will be Mrs. James to you. Two, shoes off in my house. Three ,do not try and butter me up, Miss Emily. Four, do not over stay your welcome." Mrs. James hissed. She walked away, but not before turning around. "Don't touch anything with your filthy hands, or steal anything." And with that she walked away. 

I blinked, What in the world just happened? I am so confused. My head turned towards my mate. His mouth was ajar. So I'm guessing that wasn't how it was suppose to go? "Um she was . . . nice?" 

Colton finally turned towards me. "I am so sorry. I don't know what got into her." 

"A demon." I mumbled underneath my breath. He heard me any way and cracked a small smile. "Sorry I know that was disrespectful." 

He shook his head. "Naw' its okay. Your right." Cole took me hand. "Come on I'll give you a tour of my house." 

Forgetting the evil witch, I walked with him. He showed me the rooms. Lets just say, I thought my family was loaded. They have allot. I'm surprised no one took anything. Then again, its the Alpha's house. The last room we went too, had the door closed. 

He blushed. "This is my room. Sorry I couldn't clean up earlier. I don't normally have girls over." He opened the door. 

"Well that's a good thing." I teased, and walked in.

It kind of reminded me of Edward's room. There was the balcony.  Dark blue curtains were on the sides of the glass doors. A King size bed was in the middle of the room. Since when did a sixteen year old boy get a king size bed? The bed sheets matched the curtains. In front of the bed, on the south side of the wall was a T-V that looked like the living rooms. There was a radio, and two large speakers on the side of them. A desk was next to it. With a laptop. There was paper, which I'm guessing was homework spread a crossed the desk. On the walls were pictures of sports cars. Typical boy room. 

I smiled at Colton and jumped on the bed. "I love it. It definitely screams badass." 

"Ha, Ha" Cole walked over to it, and sat besides. "Do you really like it?" 

I nodded and sat up. "Yeah I like it. Why wouldn't I like it?"

He shrugged. "I don't know."  Colton looked . . . nervous? 

I put my hands on the side of his face, and looked into his eyes." I like your room. I like your home.I like you." 

He brushed the hair that feel into my eyes. He pulled my arms down from his face, and put them around his neck. He then, put his own hands on the side of my face. Colton leaned in, never taking his eyes off mine. I smiled and nodded.

He closed his eyes and I soon followed. His lips touched mine. Instantly I felt a spark of electricity. Is this what it felt like to be in love? To be kissed by your one true love? 

We both pulled back and smiled at each other. There was a knock at the door pulling us out of our gaze. I didn't realize that he closed the door. I went to move but he pulled me closer to him. Was he trying to get me band from the house? His father likes me, but his mothers a different story.

Colton had a wide smile on his face. "Come in mom." 

I sighed. Great is she going to push me out? I just got here. Then again I can compel her. No she's his mom you cant do that. 

The door flew open. His mother walked in and smiled at me. Okay? Was their something I missed? Maybe we can work this out.  Her smiled turned into a glare. She pulled out a gun a pointed it straight at me and smirked. "Hello Emily, your father sends his regards."

My father? Great that means she knows what I am, and knows about the pack. I remember her now! She's an assassin. Why am I always in these predicaments? 

"Cole I really don't want to hurt your mom. . . " I trailed off and gulped. She clicked the safety off the gun.

"Mom!" Colton said. Trying to reason with her. "What in the hell are you doing? " 

Her finger moved towards the trigger. I blinked. If I moved, and she shots, the bullet will go in Colton's chest, and I wont have that. Not after I just found him. "Mrs. James I suggest you put the gun down." 

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