Chapter 4

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I woke up to someone jumping on my bed and I opened my eyes to see Rogue giggling and jumping up and down on my bed. "Rogueeeeee" I said while laughing "come on were going shopping today" Rogue said jumping harder on my bed "ok ok I'll get up just get off" I sighed and got up as she got off and I walked into the bathroom to put on the previous clothes from yesterday but I heard a knock and I opened the door to Rogue smiling and holding out some of her clothes for me "here you can use these" she said and passed them me. I smiled at her kindness and said "thanks Rogue, you didn't have to" she smiled more and closed the door for me and I got changed into the crop top, ripped skinny jeans, jacket and beanie that Rouge had given me. My hair was brushed down and I shoved the beanie on and walked out and asked to rogue "how do I look?" She turned around a squieled and said "you look beautiful, no wonder john fancies you" I looked at her and said "ok, that's enough he doesn't like me anyway" before we could continue this little conversation we heard the door knock. I walked over and opened the door to see Bobby and john. Bobby hugged me and said I looked nice and john hugged me and whispered in my ear "you look beautiful" I smiled at his little comment and then saw a tall and broad man walk in and say "hi, I'm piotr also known as Colosuss" he shook my hand and I said "hi I'm Willow" then a girl walked in and said "hi I'm kitty and it is lovely to meet you Willow" then she hugged me and I hugged back then we got into the a car and waited till about 10 minutes later when Jean and Scott climes into the two front seats then in the middle row had Bobby, Rogue and Piotr and then in the very back was me, John and kitty. I was in the middle and kitty and john at the side of me. During the whole way kitty was talking to me and getting to to know me while john drawed little patters on my arm and he went to go and take my gloves off and I stops him "don't john" I warned, he looked at me strangely and kitty raised her eyebrows and looked and gave me a look of you better explain this to me later I laughed in my mind and looked at John "please willow you can trust me" John pleaded and looked me in the eyes "I just don't want to hurt you" he looked at me and said "you won't" and he took of my glove in a swift motion and he saw my pale hands and held them in his and warmed them up a little and I saw his hands go pale a little and I took my hand off his and saw my snowline on my hand vibrant as it us when I use my ice powers. I looked at him and pulled on my fingerless gloves and turned away from him and carried on talking to kitty then arrived at the mall and me and kitty climed out the car and Jean gave us some money and we walked away from the boys and walked into top shop and got some clothes and walked into other shops to get things and then we also walked into makeup shops and we all brought makeup and made our way to the food court and saw the boys eating pizza hut so we walked into McDonald's and brought food and sat down at a table. When we were half way through our food 3 boys aproached us and the main one said to me "hey baby do you want to go out sometine" I scoffed and rolled my eyes before saying "go and take a long walk on a short pier" the girls started laughing and the boys glared at me and said "you'll regret that darling" out the corner of my eye I saw all the boys stand up and make their way behind us. Bobby went up behind Rogue and hugged her and kissed her cheek and Piotr did the same to kitty I'll ask her about that later and then I felt someone grab me from behind and hug me and by the familiar scent it was John and the boys looked at us "are these your boyfriends" One who asked me out asked and I was about to reply but john bet me to it and said "yes, so if you would like to piss off now" "wait a minute if your boyfriend and girlfriend then kiss each other on the lips" they said to all of us. Bobby and Rogue dis it and so did kitty and Piotr. Now it was mine and john turn don't let your feelings control you Willow and then I felt John's lips crash into mine whole he grabbed my waist and pulled me towards him. I smiled at my my arms around his neck and then we pulled away and saw the boys to walk off
and Bobby looked happy and so did everyone else that we had kissed then out of nowhere kitty and Piotr said "finally, you pair talk about how you like each other to us too much" I blushed and john smiled and said "I know this is a little late but will you be my girlfriend?" I nodded and hugged him. I had fell in love all over again. After that little incident kitty said "shit, girls we need to go into a ring shop, we'll be back in a minute boys" they nodded and we walked off "told ya" was all rogue said "ok ok but I didn't know he did have feelings for me until now, anyway kitty you and Piotr" kitty blushed and nodded "yes, they are sooooo cute though" Rogue said and I laughed and kitty blushed even deeper. We walked into the shop and kitty walked over to the cashier and said something in their ear and they nodded and wondered off to the back and then they came out with a chest and 3 metal rings in her hand and said "£35 please" kitty gave her the money and grabbed the chest and rings and walked out. When we got to a bench kitty put the chest down and gave us 1 of the rings each and said "these 3 rings connect together as one to make a key for this chest to put memories and things we care about the most in and it is for three best friends who will stay best friends forever" me and rogue put the rings on and we came into a group hug and put the chest in the bag and made our way to the cafe park to meet Jean and Scott.

Runaway girl (a John allerdyce love story) Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum