Chapter 1

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Willows P.O.V
Today I am actually going to do something human. Go to a museum. Once I got there I was actually quit amazed, it was a big building with banners down the side, I smiled and walked inside. I was looking through all the exhibits when I heard some commotion in the food court. I walked over and see a guy with blonde/brown holding a shark lighter then two other guys asking for a light and the other one says no. Then one of the two men take the lighter and light his cigarette. I roll my eyes at them and the boy with the cigarette said "hey willow" I looked a the mans features more and realised who he was Peter my ex best friend and his dick head of a brother Luke "Peter" I growled. Blonde/brown and his mates looked at me "Peter just give him his fucking lighter back" I said. He smirked at me and started to walk over to me, I backed up until my back hit the wall "no and you've looked sexier since you got older" he said then leaned into kiss me I pushed him and he fell over. Blonde/brown laughed while Luke was heading towards me. I stepped to the side and he not his head on the wall. I walked over to Peter grabbed the lighter and said "thank you" then kicked him in the head. I walked over to blonde/brown and gave him his lighter back "thanks" he said, "how do you know them?" A girl asked from behind him "well I met them when I was 12 then when they found out I was something they tried to kill me so I ran away" the girl looked sad and then a boy next to him asked "what's your name?" I looked at him and thought he looks really familiar "my full name is Willow Luna Drake" the guy just stared at me then said quietly "Willow" I looked at his facial features and took out my purse and looked at the photo of Bobby and gasped, it's Bobby "Bobby" he nodded and he walked up to me and hugged tightly. We parted and he smiled and said "I can't believe we've found each other after all this time, oh this is my girlfriend rogue and my best friend John" he said at he pointed at both of them. After about a minute I heard someone shout "IVE FOUND HER SABRETOOTH" my eyes widened while I looked at the balcony to see toad smirking at me and then I looked ahead to see Sabretooth making his way towards me with a smirk. I looked at Bobby and mouthed I'm sorry and ran. Bobby called after me but I was too quick for him. I stopped running when I bashed into someone, I looked up to see a man with red glasses on, I got up and said "I'm sorry I wasn't looking where I was going" he nodded and ran off again. Then I got too tired and stopped running then sat down, as soon as I got up someone from behind me said "gotcha" shit it's Sabretooth I kicked and when he got his claws out people started running out of the museum terrified for their life. I tried to squirm out of his grip but his grip was too tight so I couldn't get out then I screamed the first names I could think of "BOBBY! ROGUE! JOHN!" Sabretooth chuckled and started to cut lines across my stomach with his claws "GET YOUR HANDS OFF HER!" Somebody shouted. I looked up to see John there with fire in his hands oh so he's a mutant too then I guess Sabretooth laughed and said "what think I will do that pretty boy" John looked for an answer and I took this moment to phase though sabretooths grip and run up to John. When I got up there John looked at me surprised. I gripped his neck and ran with him outside. When we got there and I let go he lent down and coughed "sorry, it does pass over" I apologised. He nodded and got back up "why did you help me?" I asked "because you called out for help so I helped you because you are a good person" he explained. I nodded and said "I hope you know where your friends are because I don't" he nodded and said "follow me"

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