Transitioning ~ Chapter. 1

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I was walking in the gardens touching the yellow marigolds. They were so precious yet strong and independent like me, Father said. My name is Serefina Owusu. I'm tall around 5'6, yet dark with a passion. My hair was braided, so it was long and dark. It was afternoon and father called me into the palace.

"Yes", I responded.

"Serefina", he said getting up, "Your mother and I have some news for you".

"In a few days you will move", Queen Arabella continued. "We decided to move to New York so you can be a real teenager. You seem lonely and kept and we want you to explore."

I broke down crying. Why was this happening to me? I loved it here. My best friend, Nana was right across the fence. I could call and walk over, now I would never be able to do that. Only boring phone calls that would soon would lead to new, replaced best friends. It wouldn't ever be the same.

"Serefina", King Ohene commanded, "arise at once!"

I ignored him and ran to my room with the guards right behind me. I pushed open the pale cream door, slamming it into the faces of the royal guards behind me. I was once at peace, I jumped onto my big purple canopy bed. I was being digested by walls painted in a deep luxurious royal purple. I knew my father was joking. He couldn't be serious right. Its ok I knew he was joking.....

When I woke up it was 9 in the morning. Wow! I didn't even know I could sleep that long. Oh well. I got up and dragged myself to wash up for the day. I brushed my teeth and dipped myself into the hot water. I took a book from the shelf and started to let myself go into the story.

Serefina!!! Boom! Boom! Boom! Gye Gymi and lets go. Kwasisem be ni! My mother banged at the door speaking Twi.

I guess I'm really going to America but where?

So i know alot of you aren't Ghanaian and don't speak the language so I dont want you to feel excluded. So if i leave anything out just comment. Thanks


Gye Gymi ~ Stop the stupidness
Kwasiasem Be Ni ~ what foolishness is this
Ohemaa ~ Queen
Ohene ~ King

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