"I wouldn't worry about learning and remembering all these people. It's not like you'll likely be around long enough to meet them again." Loretta jabbed.

"Oh! Well Erin said that the same people often move from movie to movie so I'll get to know a few of them very well." Ace again refused to acknowledge her attempt to goad her.

"Yes, well Erin, I suppose she has earned her place after the time she has put in." Loretta's voice dripped with resentment. "I'm sure you won't have to worry about that."

Ace glanced over and saw one of Loretta's minions adjusting herself in her dress and wiggling up to Rhett. The minion stopped and attempted to look like she had been listening to his and the set guys conversation all along and was very interested. They never so much as noticed her existence. Ace smiled, it was sad but funny at the same time.

Loretta was talking again but Ace had been lost in her thoughts and not paying attention. She attempted to focus back in on her inane babbling. She was talking about her dress being made specifically for her by the designer and tailor fitted for her body. Ace just nodded. She did look a bit like an anorexic sausage. Like a Slim Jim beef stick. This thought cracked her up and she had to fight to keep her giggles from erupting.

"The same designer made my dress for next month's red carpet premier. It's similar but has a lot more glam." She was motioning her hands about trying to emphasize 'glam' and almost knocked over a waiter's tray as they passed. "I don't know if Rhett would have already thought that far ahead for you or if maybe he thought it more prudent to just see how it goes with you two."

"No actually, Valentino has requested to make my dress. My stylist sent him a picture of me in this dress and he asked if he could make the one next month. Apparently he was pleased with how this fit. He said he had a vision or something." She remembered when Leanna had told her this afternoon. It was gratifying and she still felt honored.

The other woman did not look pleased with this announcement. Suddenly Rhett's arm snaked around Ace's waist.

"I'm sorry babe. I got sucked into that conversation for way longer than I planned. You doing ok? Need anything to drink?" he leaned in and kissed her ear.

"No, I'm fine. Thank you though." She smiled at his breath on her ear. It tickled and sent chills down her spine.

"Well then, I think 3 hours is plenty of time and I have earned my right to go home and unwrap my gift. Are you ready?" he asked with a lascivious smile.

"Absolutely ready." She advised and turned to Loretta. "It's been nice talking to you again. I'm sure I'll see you again soon."

"Perhaps." Loretta smiled and waved but her smile still looked fake.

She and Rhett made their way through the room saying their goodbyes and snuggled at the door as they waited for the car.

In the car Ace happily kicked off her shoes and rolled down the windows.

"Well, it wasn't bad at all. I'd call it a success. You might just decide I'm worth keeping around." She sighed and leaned the seat back a little.

Rhett reflected on his plans to do just that very thing. He hadn't figured out the details just yet but he had a plan.

"Well, you are smokin hot and an amazing cook........" he kidded her and drove them both home.


Ace met up with Erin for coffee the next day at a quaint picturesque coffee shop in downtown LA. She planned on doing a little shopping afterward. She had donned her favorite worn jeans and a tank top. It was nice and warm here and looked just like the movies.

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