After Jeyne left for the bathroom, Ramsay got up and went over to Jeyne's suitcases and bags. She brought a whole lot. Which he didn't blame her for. She didn't how long she was going to stay. But it was pissing him off, her stuff was all over his room. As if she found herself slowly moving in.

But it wasn't her fault.

He did technically say 'move in with me'.

But he didn't expect such a rapid transition. Not to mention, the fact that Jeyne was so set on being his 'girlfriend', that he would have a problem.

Sure, they may have had a few sloppy kisses on drunken nights. And maybe fooled around once or twice. Maybe more. But he didn't think she was serious. And maybe Ramsay didn't believe he was serious either. It was embarrassing, because they slowly did become serious in those few months.

All while he was supposed to be dating Sansa.

Before he left for those 3 months, he never thought he would ever hurt her in such a way as he ended up. But he didn't expect to find someone as beautiful as Jeyne, practically waiting for him when he got there. With someone as gorgeous and talented as Jeyne, he couldn't help himself.

But what a monster it made him.

To almost literally forget about Sansa when he was with Jeyne. Only to feel guilty when receiving a text later that day. How did it become that?

On the day he came back, seeing Sansa in person, hearing her voice, and being able to touch her, was a dream. The psychical contact he craved from Sansa... wanted to take from Sansa. It was uncontrollable. It even seemed mutual. To the extent that without Ramsay, Sansa felt that she was nothing. That the thought of losing Ramsay to someone else, caused her to hurt herself.

That the thought of not having her, drove Ramsay to hurt others. Lashing out and craving such adrenaline. And so he thought, were they not the perfect pair?

No, they weren't.

Leading to the fact that, in the end, it would end like it always does.

A dead body.

With blood on Ramsay's hands.

His ex-girlfriend, Bianca. He loved her once. Just like with Sansa. Just like with Jeyne.

And it always ends the same.

It had all become so hard to deal with. He thought maybe he should just leave them both and run away.

But then again, where was the fun in that?

"Ramsay?" Jeyne asked, she was standing in front of him.

He was sitting on the edge of the bed, completely spaced out. He shook his head to regain his consciousness.

"You OK?" Jeyne asked.

"Yeah, yeah, just...thinking."

The two of them had been sitting in his room for some time, just coming up with lyrics and playing with his guitar. Ramsay was having a relatively good time. With a few exceptions of course. Like when Jeyne would purposely let their hands touch or when she invaded his space for the fourth time. But, Ramsay guessed that in Jeyne's mind, the two of them were still 'dating'.

He glanced at his phone, half expecting a text message from Sansa, but there was nothing.

He feared that he'd lost her.

Anytime Ramsay brought up Sansa, Jeyne would complain about how she had declined her friendship offer. Ramsay would tell her that she just needed to be patient.

Into You //❤// Ramsay x SansaWhere stories live. Discover now