anything for you LB

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My eyes went wide,I was internally screaming.....again. Ladybug likes me. It was hard to fall asleep that night because my mind kept drifting off to think of that night with lady.

Flashback to last night

"i think i like you" my eyes went wide. " do?" she nodded and did a cute little giggle. I blushed and lifted her chin. I whispered in her ear. "well you're in luck.....i do too." I connected our lips but since we were still standing in the water,it didn't last long. We swam the rest of the night.

Back to present

Plagg,my black cat who inspired my outfit,jumped on my lap. "I wonder if ladybug is still thinking about last night too" I went on the clubs website and saw a video posted from the other night. It was me and ladybug dancing,she was so graceful even though it was a break dance. I downloaded the video so i could show Nino in the morning.

Marinettes pov

"I TOLD CHAT I LIKED HIM,THIS IS SO BAD." I looked over to Alya who was sitting on my swirly chair. "why is that bad mari?" I looked at her as though it was the most obvious thing in the world. "because I like Adrien"

She shook her head and let out a slight laugh. "Girl,you need to get your emotions in check" I sighed and plopped my head in my hands,my elbows on my knees. I was sitting on my bed across from Alya. "what would you do?" she put her finger on her chin and looked up in thought. "I would hang out with both of them,then see wich one I like more"

I nodded. "i'll try that wifi,thanks" I winked and she laughed. "Anything for you LB" I laughed with her,we only called eachother by our dance names when we were alone. We set up for the night since Alya was staying over and spent the rest of the night running down to the bakery to snatch some cookies and milk and playing truth or dare.

A Miraculous DanceOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant