Chapter 3

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A few weeks have gone by and it was time for Alex to leave for camp. Just a week ago, she found out that there will be a friendly match against Costa Rica. She grew even more nervous for camp, but Tobin helped her calm down.

Tobin helped Alex put her luggage in the car. It was an approximately two-hour drive from Diamond Bar to Chula Vista. They drove off to the Olympic Training Center, hands intertwined together.

Tobin could tell how nervous Alex was. "You're going to be great, Alex. Don't worry."

"That's what they all say," Alex responded.

"I wouldn't be saying it if I knew you weren't going to do great."

"You wouldn't be saying anything at all because you're too shy to say anything," Alex blurted out. She was so nervous that she could not control her stress. She did not mean to say the words that came out of her mouth.

Tobin let go of Alex's hand and put it on the wheel. She muttered an "Oh," and did not want to look at Alex. She knew she was shy, but she was trying her best to overcome her shyness and she was doing really good. However, she hated when someone, especially Alex, reminded her of how shy she used to be.

Alex looked at Tobin with a worried look. "I'm so sorry, Tobin, I didn't mean to say that. I'm just really nervous and that was my stress talking, I'm sorry."

Tobin ignored Alex, but then realized that she should not put any more stress on Alex before camp.

"It's fine," Tobin responded calmly. "Just don't say that again to me. It really hurts."

"I know, I know and I won't say it again, okay? I am very proud of you for overcoming your shyness," Alex grabbed Tobin's hand that was now off the wheel, "Now hold my hand, I'm still nervous."

Tobin smiled and continued to drive. Alex had fallen asleep during the final 45 minutes of the drive so Tobin gently shook her to wake her up.

"We're here."

Alex quickly woke up and got out of the car to grab her luggage and soccer bag. She walked towards the entrance of the training center.

She turned towards Tobin, "You're going to watch my game, right? If I play?"

"I wouldn't miss it for the world. You're going to do great, okay? You're Alex Morgan, the girl who made other colleges wish they had you on their team," Tobin responded.

Alex dropped her luggage and embraced Tobin, "I love you so much." She then pressed her lips against Tobin's and kissed her passionately.

Tobin pulled away first, "Now go out there and show them who Alex Morgan is. I love you."

Alex smiled as she grabbed her luggage and walked towards the entrance. She turned to give Tobin one last wave and then walked out of sight. Tobin smiled as she walked back to the car and drove home.

Alex checked in and received all her necessities that were needed for the camp. She walked towards the room that she was supposed to meet the team in. Once she walked inside, all eyes were on her. She scanned the room and she saw so many players that she has watched on TV, like Heather O'Reilly, Hope Solo, and Carli Lloyd. Her heart started to beat faster because she was nervous and excited to be in the presence of such great players.

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