Chapter 5

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He smiled at me. I smiled back and push him back

To the next seat over. That's what you get when you are in my bubble!he stared at me in shock. I just smiled back at him and climes into the set next to him. He sat back up in his set and stuck out his hand. "Hi! I'm Robin, or that's what they call me but my real name is Dick." he said. I took his hand a shock it and smile " my name is Emily Night but you can call me Emily." I said without taking my eyes off of his. Mr.Wainwas the last in the car. I had know clue to were we going but the car ride was long and silent. I started to fall asleep in the sit and felt like someone was putting me on there lap to lay my head on their lap.

One hour later

I was starting to wake up. my dream was so weird I was adopted and there was a boy with blue eyes and old man and a tall man in it. as I open my eyes I see all of them. I pinch myself to see if I was deeming. nope I was not. They were staring at me like I had something on my face. " what do I have something on my face?" I asked wiping my face with shirt. laughing sound thought the hole car. My eyes started to water. I never like to be laugh at.

Flash back

Walking into my new class. I was just sent to this school my parents died three weeks ago. I walked in and a girl told me I was fat and no one liked me. Everyone in the class started to laugh at me. That kept happening for four more years. "least my parents didn't get killed and my family didn't get ride of me!" the girl yelled. I had know clue what happened the next thing I know is that I am on top of the girl punching her face in. Then the teacher can out and pulled me off of the pour girl. I sent that girl to the hospital and now everyone doesn't talk to me.

End Of Flashback

I felt the tier fall over the brim of my eye. then I felt a hand wrap around me and the next thing I know is I am in someone's lap crying my eyes out. Once the tiers stop falling and I had stop hyperventilating I looked up to see who's lap I was on and was surprised to see it was...


Haha! cliff hanger. ya I went back and fix the chapter and I should have the next three up Friday but I like this chapter. do you like it.

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