Don't Mess With Her

18 1 0

James POV
(Time skip to after lunch)
We all walked to Math class together. I'm just glad that our normal Teacher isn't here so we have a sub.
T-Okay stand in the back of the class i have a seating chart.
M-You high I'm siting by all of my friends
T-Okay who do you think you are?
M-An all A student whos going to sit by her friend or else you life will be a living hell.
T-Okay you and you friends can move the desk and sit in the back.
M-That is what I thought.
T-And one more thing your shirt is dress code
M-Matty can I have your jacket??
MA-yeah here
M-Just because you let my friends and I sit together.
T-Thank you Now grab the desk you need.
We all graded a desk and put them in the back of the class
M-Babe can I wear your jacket for the rest of the day??
MA-Yeah sure
J-What you guys doing this weekend??
M-My parents said I could have so friends over and have a sleep over while they are away Could you guys come over??
J&C&JO&N-Let me ask
J&C&JO&N- They said yes
M-Okay cool so after school tomorrow we can meet at the mall at 5:00pm and We can all ride in my Hummer.
J&C&JO&N- Sounds good
MA-Ill drive to your house
M-Okay that's cool

+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+Picture is Melissa

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